Chapter 45: Wash her feet

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To her surprise, Jungkook laughed.

"Baby, I think you got something wrong. I have more money and power than I need, so why would I give you up for something I already have enough of?"

Lalisa scratched her head and realized that what he said made sense. He didn't need any more money and power, and he was different from Bai Jiawei. He was a king from birth, and everyone in the country respected him.

'That was a dumb question,' Lalisa thought to herself. How could she compare the almighty Jungkook to Bai Jiawei? That was like comparing diamonds to dirt!

Jungkook easily lifted He Xinyan up and set her down onto his lap so she was facing him. He frowned, "Why are you so light? Do you not eat at home?"

Lalisa looked away guiltily. She didn't eat very much since she couldn't really stand eating in front of Li Huiran and Eunha. Now, it was going to be even more difficult for her to eat with Bai Jiawei added to the list.

Jungkook's expression darkened a bit, "If you don't like eating at home, come over to my house and eat."

Lalisa looked up as a small smile formed on her face, "Really?! Will you cook?"

Jungkook nodded his head, "I will cook."

Lalisa moved up and down happily, "Okay! I will come over tomorrow."

However, Jungkook's kindness made Lalisa a little nervous. She could feel her heart starting to lean towards him but she was scared. She couldn't stand her heart breaking again.

"Do you really love me?" Lalisa asked. With Sehun and Bai Jiawei as scars inside her, romantic relationships seemed very dangerous to her now.

Jungkook's expression turned serious as he replied, "I do."

Lalisa blushed and looked down, half-believing his reply, "Okay."

"You asked me if I would do what Bai Jiawei did, and even if I wasn't powerful, I still wouldn't. But you can do it."

"What?" Lalisa asked, a little confused.

"You don't have to kill me to get my money or power. You just have to ask me. I will give my everything to you if you want." Jungkook suddenly smiled slyly, "Or, you can just marry me. That way, my everything would be yours."

Author's note*: Excuse me, Mr. Jeon. Can you be more shameless?

Lalisa's face immediately turned red. She hadn't been teased like this in a long time already, and warmth spread across her body. It didn't matter whether he was saying the truth, or if he was only trying to make her happy. Either way, he succeeded in making her like him more.

Lalisa decided to tease him back, "Really? Then give me half of your stocks in the Jeon Corporation now!"

Lalisa stretched one hand out as if she was asking for something, and a smile appeared on her face. However, what she wasn't expecting was that Jungkook actually reached for his phone and dialed his assistant.

"Eunwoo, I need you to create a stock transfer agreement right now for 50% of all my shares in the company. I want to transfer them to Li -"

Lalisa immediately pulled the phone away and ended the call, "Jungkook, what are you doing?! I was only joking!"

Jungkook looked surprised, "But I wasn't joking."

Lalisa frowned, "You're too gullible! I won't be surprised if you end up losing everything one day and come to beg me to take you in!"

Jungkook laughed softly. He was only gullible in front of her. He would give her anything and trust whatever she said, "If that happens, you will have to take me in!"

"Ch! In your dreams!" Lalisa threw the phone back to Jungkook and got out of his lap. However, once she stepped foot onto the ground, a sharp pain shot up her leg.

"Ow!" She screamed as she quickly lifted her left foot off the ground.

"What happened?"

Lalisa looked down at her foot and didn't respond, so Jungkook pushed her back down onto the couch, and he bent down so he was kneeling on the ground.

With both hands, he lifted Lalisa's left foot up and looked at it. The bottom of her entire foot was grey because it was dirty from walking outside, but there was no sign of any injury.

"Wait for me." Jungkook left and came back with a small tub for washing feet and also a first-aid kit. He dumped warm water into the tub and helped Lalisa stick her feet in.

Gently, he washed her feet and when he saw that they were clean, he wiped them with a towel. After her feet were clean, Jungkook looked again, and this time, he saw what he was looking for.

In the middle of her foot, there was a small red dot, and he could see that something sharp had gotten stuck in her skin.

Jungkook turned around and pulled a pair of tweezers out of the box, "This might hurt a little."

He then leaned forward and very carefully pulled out whatever was stuck inside her foot. It hurt a little, but Lalisa didn't feel it. All of her attention was on Jungkook, who seemed to look a hundred times more handsome now than he did before.

Even Bai Jiawei, who had pretended to love Yuxin so much, had never done this before. Washing someone's foot was a symbol of humility and service, and few people were willing to bend down so low to wash another person's feet.

However, the man in front of her was the most powerful person in the country, with hundreds of thousands of people willing to serve him. Since birth, he probably didn't have to do any dirty work, and there were probably many people there to wash his feet!

Yet he was willing to kneel down and help her clean her feet without any complaints. Lalisa felt her heartbeat speed up as she quickly looked away.

Jungkook was just too good at courting women! Lalisa could feel herself falling for him already.

Jungkook then wiped her foot gently with an alcohol wipe and covered the area with a bandage. He then set her foot back down onto the ground and looked up, "Does it still hurt?"

Lalisa shook her head and stared at Jungkook as he closed the first-aid kit and stood up, "Are you hungry now?" He asked as he gently rubbed her head, "It will take too long for me to cook, so I'll call takeout today."

Lalisa stood up immediately, "I can wait! Can you cook for me today?"

Lalisa's smile grew larger as he happily nodded, "Of course. There are snacks in that box over there. I will go cook now."

Jungkook entered the kitchen and Lalisa didn't sit down and eat snacks. Instead, she hopped over to the kitchen using only her right foot and stared at Jungkook as he cooked.

She must have been blind in her past life! Blind and stupid!

How dumb was she to believe that Sehun was the best man in the entire world?! There is no harm without comparison.

When comparing, Jungkook was a million times better than Sehun. Now, Lalisa was certain that the best man in the entire world was the man standing right in front of her. There was no way anyone could be better than him! Impossible!

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