Chapter 107: Sour Food

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Jungkook first dropped Lisa off at the He mansion before going to his house to finish off the work he put aside.

Lisa entered the house and changed into slippers before walking in. She wasn't wet at all because Jungkook had done a great job in covering her entire body with the umbrella.

However, she noticed that half of Jungkook's body was wet from the rain.

When she walked in, she was surprised to see that Bai Jiawei was home already. He was sitting on the couch next to Li Huiran.

"Do you want to eat spicy or sour food?" Lisa heard Bai Jiawei ask eagerly.

Li Huiran gulped before responding, "Sour. . ."

Bai Jiawei's face brightened into a smile and he clapped his hands together, "Great! Great! I'll go tell the chef to make sour food tonight for dinner!"

He stood up from the couch and walked out of the living room, smiling when he saw Lisa.

"Lili, you're back! We will be eating sour food for dinner tonight because your Auntie Li said she likes sour food! Hahaha!" Bai Jiawei laughed cheerfully as he walked into the kitchen to tell the chef.

Lisa stepped forward and looked at Li Huiran, who was still sitting on the couch with one hand over her stomach.

Sour. . .

Of course she knew why Bai Jiawei was so happy. There was an old saying that if the pregnant woman liked to eat sour food, the baby was going to be a boy. If the pregnant woman liked spicy food, it was going to be a girl.

Lisa raised one eyebrow as she looked down at Li Huiran's flat stomach.

The baby inside was a boy?


After taking a shower, Lisa sat down on her bed to dry her hair.

When she finished, she walked downstairs, perfectly on time for dinner.

She was the first to sit down, and then Bai Jiawei came with Li Huiran and helped her into her seat. Eunha and Su Zhiming also came to the He mansion tonight to eat dinner.

At the sight of all the sour food, Eunha scrunched her face up slightly.

"Why are the dishes sour today?"

Bai Jiawei smiled when he heard that, "Your mom says she wants to eat sour food!"

Eunha raised one eyebrow, "Sour boy, spicy girl! Does that mean my mom has a baby boy inside her stomach?"

Bai Jiawei laughed heartily, "Yes, yes! I hope so!"

Li Huiran also smiled as she stared at the table filled with sour dishes.

"It seems like I will have a little brother soon!" Eunha smiled, trying to make Bai Jiawei happy.

She succeeded, and Bai Jiawei was in a very good mood as he began eating dinner.

However, Lisa wasn't so happy as she stared at the sweet and sour chicken in front of her. She slowly picked up a piece of chicken and ate a bite.

The sour taste in the chicken was very strong, and she guessed that the chef had probably added more vinegar on purpose to make it more sour.

She looked up and saw Li Huiran biting into a pickled vegetable. She slightly furrowed her eyebrows when she swallowed but quickly returned to her normal expression.

"The fish fillet with pickled vegetables is very good!" Li Huiran said as she took another bite of the vegetable.

Bai Jiawei took a sip of water, "Oh, really! Eat more! You need to eat more to give my baby son the nutrients he needs!"

Reborn to love [LK]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora