Chapter 19

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Making 3k chapters is no joke. Man this was a struggle.


            "...What? That's it?" Even Dominicus could not help but agree with Alvar when he saw the data. His eyes blinked once, then twice, and then for the 7th but the details remained unchanged. The entire Imperial side was silent in pure disbelief as Kaiden began to grow uneasy.

"Is there something wrong captain?" Kaiden said as Alvar replied sharply. "Absolutely there is. Why are there no surface to orbit canons on your fortress worlds? Slug guns as standard issue rifle?? Planetary shields??? Or even a chapter of spartans?! Why is it all so..." Alvar forcibly calmed himself down before speaking once more.

"Forget what I've just said, let's just start with something simple. Could you tell me at least the strength of your void shields? I need to know just the scale of power I will be using here." There was no response. Alvar watched as every single UNSC avoided his gaze as it slowly clicked in. "Admiral?" Though his accelerated mind had already found an answer, he outright refuses such an answer.

It was akin to traveling for days without food or water or going to battle with only one round in the magazine with no reserves. Complete and utter madness. "...We're actually hoping that you could share the technology to make shields." Kaiden meekly replied as Alvar was actually stunned. For the first time in a century, Alvar was completely dumbfounded.

"...Are you telling me right now, that this orbital platform has no shields? That the shield on this platform was not down for maintenance, but rather it did not have one in the first place??" Alvar incredulously inquired as all Kaiden could do was nod.

"Wait wait let me get this straight, you have waged this war against the xenos for 7 years without void shields?" A new voice whispered as all eyes turned towards her. She wore a crisp navy-blue uniform. Paired with amethyst eyes and a long blond hair, Kaiden had to admit she was stellar despite the obvious wrinkles on her face. "That would be correct admiral..." "Vröshtien Vra, though call me Vröshtien instead." Kaiden's counterpart replied with a disbelieving tone.

"That can't be right. Even with the xenos pathetic armaments in hand, it would rip apart your ships in an instant without a shield! You would have lost most of your battles!" Vröshtien exclaimed, challenging anyone in the room to prove her wrong.

Vröshtien was mortified when she instead saw the grave approval in their stares instead. "...That's how most of the war went on actually. We would try to delay them but... they eventually find us. All we can do is scatter and hope to buy time." Kaiden replied melancholically.

"...By the emperor, how did you all survive in the first place? I can just imagine the sheer death toll this war must have. Fuck, how are you people even alive?? You should be dead by now." Vröshtien whispered softly as Kaiden frowned.

"With all due respect admiral, good people died fulfilling their duty. I will not have you insult my men even if you are helping." Kaiden firmly replied as Vröshtien shook her head. "You misunderstood me admiral. It was no insult; it was praise." Kaiden felt his blood boil as he replied.

"P-praise? For what, dying futilely?! That we threw our lives even if we know how little it means??" The insult slowly bore towards his core when Vröshtien replied unexpectedly. "For doing your duty of course." Kaiden was caught off guard as Vröshtien replied in an equal tone, not fast but not slow either.

"You've met the enemy with such an overwhelming disadvantage. Any lesser men would have fled the first chance they have and yet your men stood their ground. If the people of Cadia had learned of your sacrifice, they would have nodded in respect." Kaiden notices her voice softens for a moment before nodding back ever so slightly before continuing.

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