Part 7 - "Aisha's Return and Their First Mission!"

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The infirmary door slammed as I slowly opened my eyes. "Be quiet!" yelled a nurse from behind the curtain. I heard someone scoff and open the curtain, that person was Add. "Wake up." he said looking at me. Angrily, I threw my pillow at his face, which he blocked with his arm. "Pretty feisty for an injured runt." he said. I glared at him and wrapped the covers closer around me. "What do you want?" I said. Add chuckled and stared out the window. "Nothing really." he said. Then he turned to me and gave me a worried look and said mockingly, "Would you believe I came to see how you're doing?" I sighed. Always with the jokes. I thought. I glared at him angrily and he laughed. "Ya know," he said. "You're about as menacing as a baby kitten hissing." He then picked up my clothes and tossed them at me. I pulled them off my head and glared. "Get dressed, we got mission training today." he said as he left through the curtain. I sighed and got out of bed. I was just pulling my shirt on over my head when I heard a rustling of the curtain. I turned around to see Add's smirking face. I screamed. "W-W-What are you doing!??!" I yelled at him pulling my shirt in front of me. "Wow, you're as small as you look, runt..." he said mockingly. I picked up pillows and threw them at him. "Get out!" I yelled as my face turned red. He blocked the pillows with his arm, effortlessly and laughed. "Not like I saw much." he said as he left behind the curtain. I rushed and finished getting dressed and brushed my hair. My face still flushed, I opened the curtains. There sat Add with his face in a magazine, that's cover read "Battle Royale, Latest News & Trends". He glanced up at him and scoffed. "Finally." he said. "You know," I started. "I didn't ask you to wait on me." I folded my arms over my chest and looked away. "Well either way, let's get going." he said. He headed for the door and I followed behind him. We went down a maze of hallways and then came down a hall with a sign that said "Missions". Rena, Raven, and Eve were gathered around. Rena spotted me and ran over and gave me a hug. "Welcome back to the real world." she said with a smile. "It's nice to be back up and moving." I replied. Raven patted me on the back and smiled. And Eve nodded towards me and looked over at Add. "Thank you for going and getting her." said Raven. "You really didn't have to send someone," I started. "I could've found my way." Rena chuckled. "We know... I just wanted to make sure you got here faster." she said. Raven nodded his head in agreement. I sighed and smiled. "Okay," I said. "So what are we doing here?" Eve motioned towards the sign and said, "From observations, this area, in which we gathered, was meant for mission training and assignment." Raven scoffed and opened the door. There sat a few chairs and a desk. Behind the desk sat a young man with black hair. In front of him sat a sign that said, "Lento". He glanced up from his paper work and motioned us in. We entered the room and sat down. I looked around nervously as he looked through more of his paperwork. I glanced over at Rena and she smiled. I returned a smile and continued to look around. I looked over at Add, who was tapped his foot and kept glaring at Lento. Finally, Lento put down his paper work and looked at us. "Hello, my name is Lento. I will be your Mission Coordinator. I will help you figure out your departure time and details. As you may have noticed there is a bulletin board outside of this room, it will be full of missions." he said. "Is it true you can bring companions to accompany you on these?" Raven asked. "As long as both parties consent, yes people can accompany you." Lento replied. "So what did you call us here for?" asked Add with an annoyed tone of voice. "Well," started Lento as he looked over at Add, "I called you here to assign you your first mission. You will be working as a team. I believe you guys will be great for it, after seeing your skills in the arena match." He motioned towards Add and I. I looked away in embarrassment. "Anyways..." Rena said abruptly. "Yes anyways, your mission is to investigate the recent disappearances happening in Elder Village. You will have a great deal of traveling; I don't expect you return soon till you find more information. Apparently, from the recent evidence it seems a man named Wally, might be behind it." Lento continued. He handed us some papers and we looked through them. "They seem to be records." said Eve. "Yes, they are," said Lento. "You will each get a copy. Your departure time will be tomorrow at noon. Okay?" We nodded our heads in agreement. "Well get some rest tonight, but be sure you read those papers. You are dismissed." said Lento. And with that he motioned us out the door and closed it. The final bell rang for the day and we returned to our dorms. "See you guys tomorrow." said Raven as he entered the boys' part of the dorm. After that we went up to our room. "Good night Aisha. Make sure you get sleep." said Rena as she turned off the light. "Good night." I said.

Our first mission together. This will be fun... I thought as I closed my eyes.

Odd, but Gentle | Wattys2016حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن