Part 13 - [S.S.] "Happy Birthday, Add! (P2)"

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After eating there we continued eating without a word. A small smile on my face as I thought about Add sticking up for me. After we were finished we still had an hour before the party. "What now?" I asked him. He looked back at me and rested his head behind his hands as he walked. "Well let's just do what you want to, runt." he said. "This was meant for you to have fun." I quickly said. He dismissed it with a wave and ignored me. We continued to walk around till I spotted a festival. "Want to go there?" I asked. He just looked at it and walked towards it without a word. I couldn't help, but be happy when I walked through it. It brought back memories of when Mom and Dad brought me to our water festival. I spun around happily looking at everything. I turned to a small stand where you shoot balls in a hoop. At the corner of the stand was a big bat, I remember to be called an Angkor. I walked to the front of the stand. "Step right up! Step right up! Win a plush for your sweetheart!" the man yelled. He looked at me as I pulled ny wallet out. "How about you miss? Only 10 ED." he continued. I pulled the coins out of my purse and set them down on the stand. He handed me a ball. "Good luck, miss." he said as he stepped back. I tossed the ball and it missed the hoop entirely. "Aww." I murmured. "Want to go again?" he asked. I nodded and tried again... and again... and again... A total of 8 times and each time I missed. "Again?" the man asked. I went to pay for it when Add grabbed my arm. "Are you stupid, runt?" he said to me. I yanked my arm back. "No. I just really want that Angkor." I muttered, looking down at the ground. "Well you have no athletic bone in your body, so let's just go already." he said. "Let's go." I said reluctantly and we walked off. 

We continued down the path of stands. Every girl that passed us stopped and stared at Add, before giggling and hurrying off. I don't know why, but it bothered me. I stopped in front of stand selling snacks. "Hey Add, want to eat?" I asked. I got no response. I turned around and noticed he was missing. "Add?" I called. I let out a sigh. I take my eyes off him for one minute. I think to myself. I start backtracking calling his name. "Add?" I call again. I let out another sigh and sit down on a bench. "When I find him..." I grumbled to myself. "Hello there." said a voice. I looked up to see two guys. What do these two want?  I thought annoyed. "Hello." I said quietly. "Nice festival here. Not fit for a girl to be all alone. Want to accompany us?" the one said. "No thank you. I'm waiting on a friend. He should be back soon." I replied. "Oh, and he just left you here alone. How rude!" said the other one sarcastically. "Please we insist." said the one and he grabbed my arm. "N-No. I'm fine." I said quickly. "Hey!" yelled a familiar voice. I looked over to see Add. The guys let go of my arm and looked at him. "And you are?" one said. "I'm her BOYFRIEND." he said without blinking an eye. "Oh, sorry." said one of them. They hurried off in the other direction. I could feel my face heating up at the sound of him saying that. "N-Nice cover up." I stammered, completely flustered. "Mhmm." he hummed. "Where were you?" I asked as calmly as I could manage. "No where." he replied. "No whe-" I started till something was tossed in my face. I grabbed it and looked at it. It was the Angkor plush from earlier. I could feel a smile creeping on my face as I looked up at him. "Add... Did you-" I started. "Just shut it runt. You kept whining about wanting it and since you lack any athletic bone in your body... I got it." he interrupted. He averted my eyes and shoved his hands in his pocket then looked off inn the distance. I could see the pink on his cheeks. "Well thank you." I said with a smile. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 11:45. Almost time to leave. "Want to ride the Ferris wheel?" I asked. He looked at me and shrugged. "Couldn't care less." he muttered in response. I grabbed his arm and led him over to the line. It was short and we were quickly next. We stepped in and I put the plush next to me on my seat and Add sat across. I looked out the window in awe. It was amazing looking down on the festival. I looked over at Add and he was staring at me with a small smile. "What?" I asked. He just looked away. "Something on my face?" I ask as I start wiping random parts of my face. "No... It's... It's nothing." he said quietly. He looked out the window and it was silent. "Isn't it beautiful?" I said quietly in awe. "Yeah." he said with a small laugh. I smiled more and stared down at the people.

After a few minutes out turn was over and we stepped out. My messenger vibrated and I pulled it out. It was from Rena, of course.

Party is ready! (^o^)/

Ok we are heading back.

Ok, did you get his gift?

Yup. It's a cute watch he kept lookin at. :)

Ok, be back here soon. Ttyl (^^)/

"Who's that?" Add asked. "No one just Rena." I answered. "What'd she want?" he continued. "Uh.. Umm... Oh she wanted to borrow my notes for Arena Etiquette." I answered quickly. He raised an eyebrow and looked at me suspiciously. "Anyways, let's head back." I said smiling. He nodded and we headed back to the gate. The guard nodded and tapped the gates. The gate opened and we stepped out. "Hope you enjoyed your visit." said one behind us. "We did. See you later." I said with a wave. The bus was waiting for us and we climbed on. I let out a sigh and leaned my head against the window. "Been a long morning." I said with a smile. "Man, you get tired easily, runt." he chuckled. "Do not!" I pouted, but let out a yawn. "Sure..." he said with an eye roll. I stared out the window and felt my eyes getting heavy. All of a sudden I was pulled closer to Add and my head on his shoulder. "Wha-?" I started. "You are practically falling asleep right now. I'm sure my shoulder would be more comfortable than the window." he said defensively. "O-Okay." I said quietly. I drifted off to sleep to the smell of Add.

"Hey, hey wake up." a voice said. I let out a groan and opened my eyes. "We're back." Add said. I stretched and stood up. I grabbed my bag and plush, Add got me, and got off the bus. I waved to the bus driver as he pulled off. We walked through the gate of the school and I quickly sent a text of 'We're here' to Rena. She replied quickly with, 'Head to the lounge'. I slipped it back into my pocket. "Let's head in." I said. He just shrugged and walked off in the direction of the boys' dorm. "Wait Add!" I said. He turned around and gave me an annoyed look. "Let's go into the lounge." I said. "Why?" he asked, giving me a look. "W-Well umm...." I started. I quickly tried to think up something. Think, Aisha! Think! I internally yelled at myself. "Raven told me that you were good in Crafting and I needed help over a review sheet." I said quickly. He let out a long sigh. "Whatever." he grumbled. I internally fist pumped before turning towards the door. He walked ahead of me and I followed him. We just reached the lounge and all the lights were out. He walked in and flipped the lights on. "Surprise!" everyone yelled. He jumped and grabbed his chest. "Holy- What the hell is wrong with you guys!" he yelled. I rolled my eyes and walked in front of him. "Happy birthday!" I said happily. "Is this really necessary?" he complained. "Yes! It's done and started, so get over it." I said quickly. He rolled his eyes and plopped down on the couch. The room was decorated with purple and white streamers, seeing as that's his favorite color. There were also matching balloons and table cloths. There was a cart full of presents in the back, which Chung was wheeling over. "Happy Birthday, man." Elsword said as he picked up his present for him and handed it to him. He opened it and found a new hoodie. "Thanks." he said awkwardly. After a few minutes, he went through every gift, but mine. I pulled the small box out of my purse and walked over to him. "Happy birthday." I said and handed it to him. He opened it and looked at the watch and I could've sworn he smiled. "Thanks." he said. He actually seemed happy. All the guys gathered around. "What did she get you?" Elsword asked as he leaned over the couch. "A purple cat watch?" Raven said, trying to suppress his laughter. "Kind of girlie, don't you think?" Elsword added. I glared at them and so did Add. "It has a purple cat because it reminds me of someone." he said annoyed. "Who does it remind you of?" I asked, curiously. He smirked. "It's nothing you need to worry about. Raven looked at him with a knowing look, while Chung and Elsword looked just as confused as I was. "Well anyways," Rena interrupted. "Let's get this party started!" Everyone agreed and I spent the rest of the time secretly wondering who it reminded him of.

The End...

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