Part 16 - "Let's End This! Into Wally's Castle!"

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We hid down outside the castle. The map was laid across the grass as we all hovered over it.

"Let's go over the plan again." Raven instructed.

We recited the plan quietly as we looked at the map. There were three lines on the map, each splitting off in different directions. Eve insisted on going alone, much to majority of our protests. She was to get to the place where they kept the towns people and free them. Raven and I were paired together and Rena and Add were paired, much to Add's distaste. Raven and I were to follow the map to where the guards go. Rena and Add job was to pose as one of the guards, infiltrate the place, and meet us at Wally was at to take him down.

"Everything covered?" Raven said, looking between all of us. We all gave a nod and we split up in our group. We snuck into the castle gates, which was a lot easier than we expected.

"If anything goes sour, we meet back at our spot." Rena said. We all looked at each other one last time before we split up.

Raven was guiding us through the building. Left. Right. Straight. Left. I thought as we came to a stop at a fork in the hallway. He looked both ways.

"Which way was it?" I asked, trying to recall the direction.

"I'm not sure. I don't remember this on the map." he answered. He thought before saying the words we were trying to avoid. "Let's split up."

I nodded and he nodded. We split up, him going right and me going left.

[Time skip, brought to you by Grand Archer's x-spam]

I stood, hiding behind a statue as people are marching through. "What is going on..." I mumbled to myself.

I had no clue where the others was. It had been at least half an hour since I last saw Raven. After the sound of footsteps decreased, I snuck out of my hiding spot and followed behind him. I was walking in the direction they went when a hand went over my mouth and pulled me into a room. I struggled, swearing to myself that I'd kill whoever it was. "Hey, it's me. Quiet." said Raven's voice.

I relaxed and he uncovered my mouth.

"Did you see that just now? Where are all those people going..." he whispered to me.

"I don't know, that's why I was walking out here. I was trailing them." I whispered back.

He nodded and ran his hand through his hair. "Have you seen the others?" he asked.

"No... you haven't seen them either?" I asked, slightly worried. He shook his head. Dread was filling me. If he hasn't seen them, are they okay? What happens if one of them is hurt. Oh god, what happens if they've been captured. What happens if they're d-

"Hey, it's going to be okay. I'm sure they're following up on clues." he said, breaking me from my thoughts.

Just then there was a giant rumble then yelling. We looked at each other before we ran out the door. We were hurrying down the hall when someone yelled behind us.

"Hey, you guys feel that too?" yelled a familiar voice. I turned to see Rena, Add, and Eve coming from behind us. I let out a sigh of relief as I saw them.

"What happened with you guys?" I asked, noticing that Rena looked tired and Add's clothes had some tears.

"Well, we kind of ran into some troubles..." Rena said trailing off.

"Don't worry. The guards are pretty weak." Add said, a slight smirk on his face.

The ground rumbled again, this time stronger.

Odd, but Gentle | Wattys2016Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora