Part 12 - [S.S.] "Happy Birthday, Add! (P1)"

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*A/N: Hey, I'm not sure how much I can update anymore, with school, Hidden Among the Dead, and this... But I will try to update at least once a month. So it is officially OFF HOLD! Hooray hooray!

Anyways a quick explanation, any chapter that says [S.S.] is a Side Story, a filler if that's what you want to call it. For further reference after the elder village, there is going to be something huge. It's going to kind of skip all the way to sander if I make up my mind. Let's just say... Aisha is going to get her job change soon and so is everyone else. Bye bye!

Also sorry if Aisha's behavior seems different. I've been writing TWD fanfic so long I kinda forget about Aisha's "gentle" personality.*

I yawned as I rolled over. It was a weekend luckily, but it was going to be a big one too. I looked at the clock, 7:54 am, it read. I can probably sleep a little longer. I thought as I pulled the covers up. Boy was I wrong. All of a sudden, I'm shaken awake by an earthquake in my bed. I open my eyes and see Rena jumping on it. "Rena, please stop. It's almost 8, can't I sleep in a little longer." I whined as I sat up, still being rocked back and forth by her jumping. She smiled and plopped down on my bed. "No no no, today is Add's birthday." she said seriously. I let out another yawn. "Are you even sure he wants to celebrate. He doesn't seem like the... birthday type." I said as I rubbed my eyes. "Nonsense. Everyone loves their birthday. Now get up!" she said as she grabbed my hands and pulled at me. "I don't want to." I said flopping back down. "Well fine then. Time for plan B!" she said. "Plan B?" I asked. All of a sudden she grabbed my feet and dragged me out of bed. "Nooo, Rena." I say, not bothering to stand. "I will drag you out to the lobby if I have to!" she states. "Fine fine." I said quickly as I stood up and brushed my pajamas off. I went and changed quickly and walked over to Rena. "Well let's go." I said with an annoyed tone as I opened the door.

Rena smiled and dragged me off to the lobby where Raven and Elsword were standing. The two looked just as excited as Rena. "Morning." I said with a wave. Raven smiled and waved back. "Morning." he said. Elsword only nodded, he also looked tired. "So let's get this planning started." she said. She sat down on the couch and we followed. "So what's the plan?" Elsword asked. "Well, I think we should plan a surprise birthday party for Add." she started. "As I said earlier, how do you even know he want's to celebrate it?" I interjected. She gave me a look that clearly said to be quiet. I let out a huff and crossed my arms and leaned back into the couch. "Anyways... how are we even going to get him out of here long enough to do it?" Raven said, breaking the short silence. "That's where Aisha comes in." Rena says with a smile. "Wait, how am I supposed to keep him distracted. We aren't the best friends." I said looking between them. Rena and Raven only smiled looking at each other, while Elsword seemed just as lost as I was. "What?" I said. "Nothing." they both said in unison. I rolled my eyes and leaned back into the couch. "Well, she is going to take him out for the day, while we get the party supplies. The cake, balloons, banner, and gifts." she said. "Wait, I didn't get to go shopping for his gift yet." I quickly said. "You haven't?" Raven asked. "I haven't had the time with tests and homework... Plus, I don't actually know what to get him..." I said trailing off at the end. "Well while your with him, take him shopping. See if anything catches his eye." Rena stated as she patted my shoulder. "Fine, so when should I have him back?" I asked, still not completely onboard with this plan. "Have him back around noon... If anything changes I will send you a message." she said. I let out a sigh and sunk deeper in the couch as they continued talking.


We finally finished talking and went outside in the square. "Where is Add?" Rena asked, looking between the two. "He didn't want to get up." Raven said with a sigh. "At least he got to stay in bed." I muttered. "What was that?" Rena said as she looked over her shoulder, daring me to say something. "Nothing... nothing..." I grumbled. "Well will you two wake him up?" Rena asked. The two looked between each other, slightly frightened. "Yeah, no. I don't feel like dying today." Elsword said with a wave of his hand. Rena shot him a glare then looked to me. "What?" I said as I raised an eyebrow. Raven and Elsword looked at me too. "Oh no, I'm not doing it. You think he won't kill me?" I said quickly. "Not as painfully." Raven joked. I rolled my eyes. "Fine, but you guys owe me some food." I stated. "Fine, what do you want?" they asked. I tapped my finger on my chin as I thought. "Phoru cookies and banana milk." I said. "Well that's good enough. Raven, go! No time to waste." Rena ordered. "I don't want to. Elsword, you go." he said. Elsword shook his head. "Too tired." he said, dramatically falling, causing Raven to catch him. "Oh, I know!" I said sarcastically. "How about you both go." Raven let out a sigh. "Only for you." he said as he dragged Elsword away. "Now you go wake the bear- I mean Add." Rena said as she shoved me towards the boys dorm. I let out a sigh as I opened the door.

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