Part 1 - "And so Life Begins.."

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"Welcome to Elsword Academy," announced over the Principal. "Here you will continue your life as an official Elswordian. Here you will study and work to up to your classes. I will be your principal. My name is Ariel. I will guide you through your journeys. I wish you guys luck on your journey. You are dismissed."

And with that my new life began. Everyone stood up and exited the area. Sigh, a new school and a new life. I thought.

My name is Aisha. I come from the village of Hamel. I have been the high mage since I was 12. I'm 15 years old and I hope to follow my dreams and upgrade to a new class.


I walked down the corridors to my dorm room. I walked up to the room 12A. I opened the door and looked around. Inside was a large room with an open-room 2nd story; on the bottom were a bed, small kitchen, and a shared bathroom. On the top, was a bed set with a desk and a bookcase. I walked in looking around in awe. "Wow." I muttered. I looked over and saw a suitcase set out on the bottom. I guess someone has already taken this bunk. I thought as I climbed the stairs to the top. I plopped down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "So this is my new life huh?" I said. "I wonder what this new life will bring me." Just at that moment I heard the door close downstairs. I peered over the railing to see a girl walk in. She had green hair and green eyes. She was wearing a green shirt with a white skirt.

"Hello." I said. She jumped in surprise. She looked up and smiled. "Hello there." she said. "My name is Rena." She ran, grabbed on to the railing and swinged up, landing on my bed. "And you are?" she asked. I stared in amazement. "I-I'm Aisha." I stammered. "Y-You're amazement." Rena smirked at my awe-struck face. "All elves can do this." Rena stated. "It's pretty simple for us." I felt my face grow red in embarrassment. "I wish I could do something that amazing." I said pouting. She smiled and playfully punched my arm. "I heard mages can float..." Rena said smiling. "Is that not pretty amazing." I smiled. "Yeah but without my magic I wouldn't be able to do it." I looked down. "Will you show me?" Rena asked. "O-Okay." I said with a smile. I stood up on the bed, placed my hand facing the ground. I jumped off the bed and floated to the kitchen. "That's amazing." Rena murmured as she jumped down.


After we talked for a while, the bell sounded. "Well time to go." Rena said. She picked up her bow and pulled the strap around her. I grabbed my wand and put it in its bag. "Let's go." I said as I opened the door. We walked down the hall talking. "So what do you think school will be like here?" I asked as we walked down the hall to the school. "I think it will be fun." she said with a smile. "I hope so." I said nervously. "What job class upgrade are you aiming for?" I asked. "I'm aiming for Trapping Ranger or Sniping Ranger." she said flipping through the hand book. "Okay sorry to leave you, but I see my friend ahead. I will see you in class." she said hurrying away to a red haired girl carrying a large sword. "O-Okay." I muttered as I pulled out my handbook. Hmm, there are a lot of rules here. I thought.

Rule #23: No use of magic/weapons in class or on school grounds unless permitted by teacher or trainer.

Wow. Guess that means no fighting. I thought.

Rule #52: All recruits can requests for 1 or 2 party members to accompany them on their missions. Them and their party members are responsible for the actions of each other.

Rule #93: All sparring matches for practice or arena matches for Arena Points are available from 7PM to 10PM.

Rule #43: No recruits are allowed out of dorms past 10PM. All girls must be in the Girl's Dormitory and all boys must be in the Boy's Dormitory.

I was in the middle of reading the rest of the rules when I bumped into something heavy and fell backwards. "Ouch." I mumbled as I rubbed my head. I looked up to see a white haired boy with pink eyes. He was wearing a white outfit with floating metal plates around him. Woah, he's so cool. I said while staring at him. "What are you staring at?" he asked annoyed. I stood up quickly. "I-I'm sorry." He looked at me annoyed. "Watch where you are going, runt." he said storming off. "Geez wasn't he rude." I muttered as I picked up my scattered books. "Where's my wand?" I said as I looked around. It was over by someone's feet. I reached to get my bag when someone picked it up. "Are you okay?" asked a dark haired boy with a scar on his face. He also had scars on his stomach and a arm covered in metal. "Yes, thank you." I said as I grabbed my bag. "No problem," he said. "My name is Raven." He smiled. "My name is Aisha." I shook his hand. The bell rang and I jumped. "Dang it." I said "I gotta go." I ran towards the classroom and just made it as the final bell rung.

I caught my breath just as some guy walked in. "Please take your seat class." said a boy wearing a red uniform. "My name is Lowe," Lowe stated. "I will be your physical defense and attack trainer." I sat down in an empty seat in the back. Rena turned and waved to me in the front seat. Raven glanced and smiled at me from the middle row. I blushed and sat down. "Today we will be going over the basics. We will start with-" he said before he was interrupted by the door opening. In came the boy I ran into earlier. "Add, why are you so late?" he asked annoyed. Add scoffed and stood with his hands in his pocket. "You should be damn happy I even showed up to your retched class." he stated with a smirk. Lowe glared at him. "Take a seat in the back next to the purple haired girl." he pointed. Why me?! I screamed on the inside. He slammed his stuff down on the desk next to me and propped his feet up. He glanced over at me and smirked. "What are you looking at, runt?" he said. "I am not a runt." I said glaring at him. "I happen to be the head mage in my village. I have been for 3 years!" He scoffed. "The only thing you can be a head of is the head of the runt division." he said looking at the ceiling. "Why you-" I started. "Hey!" yelled Lowe. "Pay attention!" I pouted and looked forward. "Sorry." I muttered. Add laughed and looked ahead.

This is gonna be one long year. I thought angrily.

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