Part 17 - [S.S] "Waking up an Elemental Master?!"

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This is a special Short Story chapter for the birthday girl.

Happy Birthday Noble_Queen!

(Once again, all side stories are not linked, what so ever, with the original plot. They are here as fillers and will not effect the story AT ALL!) Also if you have any ideas for a short story for this book, please feel free to leave a comment. :)

[Third person's POV]

Val let out a groan as she rubbed her head. She sat up from where she was laying and looked around. She couldn't see anything and realized her glasses were missing. She felt the ground and felt grass. A field? She thought confused. Finally her fingers brushed against a familiar object and she slid them on. She looked down and realized she wasn't wearing her normal t-shirt and jeans, but some sort of purple outfit. (It's the Elemental Master costume btw <3) She also noticed that her normally dark hair was now bright purple and longer than usual. "What the--?" she murmured. She glanced over and saw a wand. She picked it up, flipping it over and examining it. "This is one strange dream..." she said. She shrugged her shoulders and stood up. She decided to walk, in hopes to find someone. As she was walking she was waving the wand. With one quick swipe of the hand a tornado started. "Oh god!" she yelled as she tried to stay in one spot. The wind subsided and she let out a sigh. She glanced down at her wand again. "What is going on?" she sighed. She decided to test the abilities, that for some reason, she now possessed. She swung the wand back and a burst of fire came from it. She waved it towards the ground and wind picked up. She pointed it at a rock and lightning showered down on the thing. Interesting. she thought. She drug it across the ground and noticed a small flame, followed it. She decided to spin around in a circle and the flames circled her till they completely covered her body, only they didn't burn. She couldn't help, but smile at this. She continued to spin around.

"Enjoying yourself?" a voice said. She stopped, startled and the flames vanished.

"Huh?" was all she said. She spun around and saw a girl standing there, a book in hand, and a pen in the other.

"I asked if you were enjoying yourself, Val." the girl asked.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" she asked.

"That's unneeded information... but for now, you can call me The Author." she said smirking. She started writing things down in her book.

"The Author?" she questioned.

She ignored her and didn't look up from her book. She finished writing in it then closed it with a soft thump. "Well, I must be going. You will see me again, but not now. They are coming." she said.

"They?" she asked, but the woman had vanished. Weird...

After that it was silent before she heard the sound of talking and footsteps. She quickly climbed and hid up a tree, that was conveintly there now. She placed her hand over her mouth to silence her breathing. (I'll make this quick and sweet. In this story all job changes are their own person and they all have unique personalities to their job class... if that makes sense.)

"Are you sure Eve?" a young voice said, a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"Yes, for the thousandth time she is, you annoying brat!" scolded a high-pitched voice, obviously a girl.

"Hey don't talk him like that!" said another voice.

"Anyways," an older feminine voice started.

"I'm sure there was activity here." said another, feminine voice.

"Well, it seems like it was recent." said a slightly monotone voice.

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