A new world

108 3 7

TW-   Mentions of blood

This'll be short followed by an announcement by me.

Trek: *groan* Huh?

The Rock herald opened his eyes to what looked like a very abstract world. Everything looked so different. He was definitely not on Gorm. He has no memory of getting there or anything memories of what he was doing before he woke up. He then hears groans behind him and looks in alarm. The others were also passed out on the ground, and It seemed like they were waking up too.

Riff: Oww... my head. Where- are we...

Trek: I've got no idea.

Ao-ki: Hmm... ahh..!

Riff: Ao-ki! Are you okay?!

Ao-ki: ...Riff? Yeah I think so. But what happened?

Ikor: I'd like to know that too. Ack-!

Ikor had tried to sit up, only to shout out in pain. Blood was dripping from his arm.

Ikor: Zot!

Erron: Oww.. I think I hit my... everything. Ack!

Erron was also bleeding, but from a slice in his ear.

Aoki: Ikor! Erron!

The other three go to the two injured's sides.

Erron: What even happened? Where- whoa.

The wind herald looks around in shock at the world around them.

Riff: Where the howling are we?

Aoki: Does anyone remember what happened?

The boys all shake their heads.

Trek: I don't even remember what happened today, like not even when I got up...

Ikor: What... is going on?

Ikor: Zak!

Ikor tried to stand up but the pain shot from his arm down his back. Aoki and Trek was to steady him.

Aoki: Take it easy Ikor..

Ikor: How am I the only one hurt!?

Riff: You're not. Erron's ear is almost cut in half, I'm pretty sure I have a bruised rib because it's hurting to breathe.

Aoki: Why are you talking then?!

Riff: And though I doubt he feels it...

The fire-ie points to the Rockies' neck. There was a big bruise which was most likely where he landed. If the blow was any high he'd probably have a concussion.

Trek: Huh, oh.. Oww!!

Trek feels where Riff is pointing and immediately winces.

Aoki: I feel fine though...

Ikor: Your body naturally heals itself Aoki.

Aoki: Yeah, but if I had gotten similar injuries to you guys it would've taken a long time for me fully heal.

Trek: That probably means we've been laying here for a while...

Erron: Whoa... hey guys...

Riff: What is...it


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