A Cup of Coffee and Forgotten Wallet

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After dropping Jimin off at his home, Jungkook found himself faced with an unexpected request. Jimin, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Park, approached Jungkook's car, and Jimin spoke up.

Jimin: "Boss, would you like to come in for a cup of coffee? It would be great to spend some more time together."

Mrs. Park: "Oh, yes! Please do come in, Mr. Jeon. I'd love to have a chat with you. You're such a charming and handsome man!"

Jungkook chuckled at Mrs. Park's lighthearted comment but politely declined the invitation.

Jungkook: "Thank you for the kind offer, Mrs. Park, but I'm afraid I have some other engagements to attend to. Perhaps another time."

Jimin's mother, known for her humorous nature, winked at Jimin and whispered in his ear, loud enough for Jungkook to hear.

Mrs. Park: "Well, Jimin, if you have any hot feelings for your boss, I won't mind at all! He's quite a catch, and I wouldn't mind having a handsome son-in-law."

Jimin's face turned bright red as he tried to suppress his embarrassment.

Jimin: "Mom, please! That's not what this is about. We're just colleagues and friends."

Mrs. Park: "Oh, I know, dear. I'm just teasing. But you have to admit, he's quite the looker!"

Jimin and his mother burst into laughter, their playful banter lightening the mood. Jungkook couldn't help but smile at their amusing interaction.

Jungkook: "Well, I'm flattered by the compliments, Mrs. Park. You certainly know how to make a person feel special. But I assure you, Jimin and I have a strictly professional relationship."

Mrs. Park: "Oh, I believe you, Mr. Jeon. But a little bit of romance never hurt anyone, right?"

They all laughed again, enjoying the comedic atmosphere created by Mrs. Park's playful humor. Jimin couldn't help but appreciate his mother's ability to lighten any situation.

As the laughter subsided, Jungkook bid them farewell.

Jungkook: "It was a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Park. Take care, Jimin. I'll see you both at the office."

With a wave and a warm smile, Jungkook drove away, leaving Jimin and his mother standing in front of their home.

Jimin's mother, known for her humorous nature, winked at Jimin as Jungkook drove away.

Mrs. Park: "Well, well, well, Jimin! I must say, your boss is quite the catch. Handsome, charming, and seems like a genuine person. What do you think?"

Jimin blushed and rolled his eyes, knowing his mother was always full of surprises.

Jimin: "Mom, come on! We're just colleagues and friends. Besides, he's my boss!"

Mrs. Park: "Oh, I know, dear. I'm just teasing. But I can't help but notice the chemistry between you two. A little bit of workplace romance wouldn't be the end of the world, you know?"

Jimin laughed and shook his head, amused by his mother's playful suggestions.

Jimin: "Mom, let's not jump to conclusions. Right now, we're focused on work, and I want to establish myself in my career."

Mrs. Park: "I understand, my dear. But life has a funny way of surprising us. You never know what could happen."

Jimin sighed and gave his mother a knowing smile.

Jimin: "You always have a way of finding humor in every situation, Mom. I appreciate your support and lightheartedness."

Mrs. Park patted Jimin's cheek lovingly.

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