A Clouded Morning; Beautiful Memories; Longing tears

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Jungkook woke up from a peaceful slumber, the soft rays of morning sunlight gently caressing his face. He stretched his limbs and let out a contented sigh, a small smile gracing his lips as he recalled the sweet conversations, he had with his husband the previous night. Their voices lingered in his mind, their words of love and longing echoing in his ears.

Filled with anticipation, he reached for his phone, the familiar weight comforting in his palm. With a quick swipe, he unlocked the device and navigated to his husband's contact. His finger hovered over the call button, his heart pounding in his chest.

Pressing the button, he brought the phone to his ear, waiting anxiously for the sound of his husband's voice. But to his dismay, the call went unanswered. He tried again, hoping for a different outcome, but the silence on the other end persisted.

A sense of unease began to creep into Jungkook's heart, clouding the joy that had accompanied his awakening. He made two more attempts to reach his husband, his calls becoming increasingly desperate, but each time, the phone remained silent, denying him the connection he craved.

His mood turned sour, and a heavy weight settled upon him, threatening to crush his spirit. Concern for his husband's well-being gnawed at his mind, and a thousand scenarios raced through his thoughts. Had something happened? Was he in trouble? The questions multiplied, fueling his growing unease.

Determined to find some answers, Jungkook decided to reach out to Mr. Shin, the manager responsible for overseeing his husband's affairs. He dialed Mr. Shin's number, his fingers trembling slightly, and held the phone to his ear, his heart pounding with a mix of hope and trepidation.

But there was no response. The phone rang and rang, but no one picked up on the other end. A sinking feeling settled in Jungkook's gut, adding to the cloud that seemed to loom over his perfect morning. His attempts to reach both his husband and Mr. Shin had yielded no results, leaving him with a growing sense of unease and an insatiable need for answers.

Jungkook paced restlessly around his room, the polished floors cool beneath his bare feet. His mind raced with worry, his thoughts consumed by the worst-case scenarios. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong, that a dark cloud had descended upon his once serene existence.

As he descended the grand staircase of his sprawling mansion, the sight of the maids going about their daily tasks greeted him. Their smiles and greetings were met with a half-hearted nod from Jungkook, his mind too preoccupied to fully acknowledge their presence.

He couldn't help but feel a profound loneliness as he made his way through the opulent halls, the silence broken only by the soft murmurs of the maids attending to their duties. Their cheerful demeanor contrasted starkly with his own troubled state, amplifying his feelings of isolation.

His husband's absence weighed heavily on his heart, a constant ache that threatened to consume him. He longed for the reassurance of their connection, the warmth of his voice, and the comfort of his presence. But all he had were unanswered calls and a sense of mounting dread.

Determined to find some solace, Jungkook resolved to investigate the situation further. He instructed one of the maids to prepare his breakfast, their startled expression evidence of his distracted state. As the maid scurried off to fulfill his request, Jungkook stepped outside, the morning air cool against his skin.

As Jungkook's mind continued to be clouded with unanswered phone calls and worry, he sought solace in the tranquility of his garden. Stepping outside, he found himself drawn towards the egg chair nestled near the vibrant red rose bushes and the array of colorful carnations. The morning breeze gently rustled the petals, carrying with it a soothing fragrance that calmed his racing thoughts.

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