Raging Master Jeon and Missing File

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As he approached the penthouse, his mind raced with a thousand scenarios. Would he find Jungkook there, nonchalant and unaffected by the turmoil he had caused? Or would there be an explanation that could somehow justify his actions? Mr. Jeon was determined to get to the bottom of it, to confront his son and demand the respect he believed he deserved. The anticipation and anxiety churned within him, leaving him uncertain of what he would find upon his arrival.

As Mr. Jeon's imposing figure filled the grand entrance of the mansion, the maids couldn't help but quiver in his presence. They were well aware of his reputation for being cocky and arrogant, and the fear that gripped them was palpable. Among them, a maid stepped forward, mustering her courage to greet him.

"Good evening, Master Jeon," she said timidly, her voice barely above a whisper. However, Mr. Jeon paid her no attention, his focus solely on finding his son. Ignoring the maid's attempt to acknowledge him, he strode past her without a word and made a beeline for Jungkook's room.

Inside the room, Mr. Jeon's frustration grew as he searched every nook and cranny, hoping to find his son within. But to his dismay, the room remained vacant, devoid of any trace of Jungkook's presence. Anger simmered within him, intensifying with each passing moment, and he stormed downstairs, his fury on full display.

The maids, fully aware of his explosive temperament, shrank back, their hearts racing. Mr. Jeon's voice reverberated through the mansion as he bellowed, "Where is Jungkook?" The maids exchanged nervous glances but remained silent, their fear of provoking his wrath keeping their lips sealed.

Undeterred by their silence, Mr. Jeon repeated his question, " Where the hell is Jungkook?" his voice laced with impatience and anger. He demanded answers, his eyes piercing through each maid as he searched for any hint of information. However, the maids stood frozen, their voices locked away, not daring to reveal anything that could further incite his fury.

A heavy silence settled over the room, broken only by the thudding of Mr. Jeon's footsteps as he paced back and forth. The maids cast down their gazes, their faces displaying a mixture of anxiety and trepidation. They knew all too well the consequences of crossing him.

A smirk crept across Mr. Jeon's face, his arrogance rising to the surface. "Oh, you think you can hide from me?" he sneered. "Let me remind you, I'm his father, and I have the power to ruin each and every one of you. So, tell me, where is Jungkook?" His words dripped with a menacing edge, a warning to anyone who dared to defy him.

But just as Mr. Jeon relished in his intimidation tactics, a young maid, who had recently joined the household, summoned the courage to step forward. Her hands trembled slightly, her voice quivering as she spoke, "Sir, young master Jeon went to Los Angeles." The words hung in the air, a revelation that sent shockwaves through the other maids.

Mr. Jeon's chuckle filled the room, a mix of surprise and curiosity dancing in his eyes. "How did she know?" he mused aloud, his gaze shifting from the young maid to the others. "So, you all were attempting to hide this from me, huh?" His tone carried a hint of amusement, a subtle satisfaction at their failed attempt to conceal the truth. He questioned their loyalty, their willingness to follow his son's command.

The young maid, her voice barely above a whisper, shook her head vigorously. She affirmed that Jungkook had not instructed them to hide his departure. Her honesty pierced through the tension, dispelling any doubts that Mr. Jeon harbored about his son's involvement in the maids' silence.

In a fit of rage, Mr. Jeon turned his attention towards the trembling young maid who had just revealed the source of the order to hide his son's departure. His eyes bore into hers with a fiery intensity as he demanded an answer.

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