Echoes of Past; Unspoken Reassurance

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As Jungkook heard the name Mr. Kim, his body trembled, and his hands began to shake uncontrollably. In that moment, a voice from the past started to ring in his ears, haunting him with its cold and sinister tone. It was Mr. Kim's voice, dripping with malice and disdain as if reliving the scene that had unfolded years ago.

Lost in the depths of his thoughts, Jungkook was oblivious to the fact that the call had already ended. 

"Cha, hold that disgusting shit. How dare that piece of filth think that I would accept?"

 "Cha, do you know anything? This little birdie thought I had a golden heart. I am an inspiration. Oh, God, believing everything sees, the creatures I hate the most."

Jungkook's breath caught in his throat as the voice continued.....

 "Dad... please, no. I won't do anything. Please, I beg you, Dad."

"You dammit. Just shut up."

"Cha, shoot."


Jungkook's body continued to tremble as the memories and the haunting voice enveloped him. His heart pounded in his chest, the rhythmic thumping echoing in his ears. With a shaky hand, he reached for the bottle of water he had brought for Taehyung earlier. Desperate for something to ground him in the present moment, he hastily unscrewed the cap and brought the bottle to his lips.

He drank the water in large gulps, the cool liquid providing a temporary respite from the overwhelming emotions coursing through his veins. The act of drinking became a way to distract himself, to find a momentary escape from the haunting echoes of the past.

As he finished the water, Jungkook placed the empty bottle aside and turned his attention to his breathing. He gripped the edge of the bed tightly, using it as an anchor to ground himself. He closed his eyes and focused on each inhale and exhale, willing himself to regain control over his racing heartbeat.

Gradually, the rapid rise and fall of his chest began to steady. His breathing became more even, and the tension in his body gradually eased. Jungkook allowed himself to sink into the calming rhythm of his breath, finding solace in the simplicity of the present moment.

"Never ever am I going to let any harm befall my beloved. Not even in my dreams," Jungkook whispered to himself, his voice barely audible but filled with unwavering determination. He glanced down at his phone, a source of hope and connection that could lead him to the answers he sought.

With a steady hand, he retrieved the device and searched for the contact that held the key to unlocking the truth. He knew that the person he was about to call was not someone who would readily disclose information.

Jungkook knew that Kim Namjoon, a figure of influence and power, wouldn't easily divulge information without a compelling reason. And him mentioning Mr. Kim's name means there is lot more yet to come.

Jungkook call was soon picked by the other end. He takes a deep breath, feeling a sense of comfort from the familiar voice on the other end. A genuine concern for his well-being resonates in their soothing tone, allowing Jungkook to momentarily find solace in their conversation.

"How are you? Jungkook ah"

"Great, Eun," Jungkook replied, trying to sound composed despite the swirling emotions inside him. Her genuine concern for his well-being was evident, and he appreciated their thoughtful inquiry.

The soft soothing voice continued, "It's good to hear, Jungkook ah. Do you need anything?" The warmth in their tone reassured Jungkook that he could confide in her, knowing she would provide support and guidance.

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