Fragments of Vulnerability: Threats, yet to come

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In the intimate embrace of Taehyung, Jungkook found a haven where he could let his guard down. His face nestled against Taehyung's chest, his fingers clutching onto his wifey's shirt, seeking solace and reassurance. Taehyung, with his gentle touch, conveyed his desire to keep Jungkook safe and secure.

As Taehyung caressed Jungkook's back, he could still feel the remnants of his husband's cries, the hiccups that lingered, and the trembling of his shoulders. It was a stark contrast to the public image of Jungkook, a strong persona capable of concealing his emotions from the world.

The truth was that no one would believe that the young CEO of JK Entertainment, renowned for his strength and composure, could be brought to tears. The thought of others mocking and taunting anyone who dared suggest such vulnerability was a reflection of just how much Jungkook had built up his walls.

But in the presence of Taehyung, Jungkook couldn't maintain his facade. With his beloved, he felt safe enough to unravel the layers of his stoicism. Taehyung had a way of peering into the depths of Jungkook's soul, seeing past the armor he wore for the world. He was the one person before whom Jungkook couldn't hide his true self.

In the depths of Taehyung's loving arms, Jungkook discovers a sanctuary unlike any other. A safe haven where he can freely express his emotions, unleash his laughter, indulge in playful banter, and unveil his inner child without the fear of judgment. While many find solace and refuge in the comforting embrace of their mothers, for Jungkook, his ultimate safe place lies within the loving shelter provided by his beloved Taehyung.

Within the secure embrace of Taehyung, Jungkook discovers the freedom to discard his public persona and reveal his true essence.

Jungkook can shed the mask of "Jeon" and reveal his authentic self. The facade he wears for the world fades away, and he can freely cry, laugh, and unleash the frustrations that have built up over the long 1.5 years of separation.

In the depths of Taehyung's loving hold, Jungkook no longer needs to uphold the facade he presents to the world. The weight of expectations and the pressures of his role as the young CEO of JK Entertainment dissipate, allowing him to express his raw emotions without inhibition. Whether it be tears streaming down his cheeks, laughter echoing through the room, or the release of pent-up frustrations, Taehyung's embrace becomes a sanctuary for Jungkook to freely and unabashedly be himself.

After being there for an hour, in the same position, Taehyung can sense that Jungkook has calmed down completely. Wanting to gently bring him back to the present moment, Taehyung softly whispers, 

"Koo." There is no immediate response.

 He tries again, this time whispering, "Baby." Still no response.

 With a hint of concern, Taehyung tries once more, softly uttering, "Bub." But again, there is no acknowledgment from Jungkook.

Anyone observing might assume that Jungkook has fallen asleep, but Taehyung knows better. He can feel the tightening grip of the shirt whenever he calls out to him. Slowly, Taehyung begins to caress Jungkook's head, his voice barely above a whisper as he softly says, "Koo, come and have some food, baby. You haven't eaten anything since you arrived, except for a few spoonful's of soup."

A few moments of silence pass, and Taehyung witnesses Jungkook slowly shaking his head while mumbling, "Don't wanna." Taehyung offers a faint smile, understanding his husband's state of mind, and replies, "But, you're hungry, Koo. Come, let's go." Yet, Jungkook remains adamant, still murmuring, "No."

Sighing quietly, Taehyung rests his head against the wall, his hand continuing to stroke Jungkook's hair in a soothing rhythm. The whispers between them carry a weight of understanding and affection, expressing Taehyung's concern and desire to nurture Jungkook's well-being. It is a tender moment of connection where words are kept to a minimum, allowing their actions and gestures to speak volumes.

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