Handpicked Secretary and Arrogant Chairman

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Jimin couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that lingered within him as he walked out of the office. His boss, Jungkook, had left earlier than usual, and it didn't sit well with Jimin. Jungkook was known for being dedicated and committed to his work, always staying late to ensure everything was in order before leaving.

As Jimin reached the entrance of the office building, he couldn't resist the temptation to glance back at Jungkook's locked office door. A sense of curiosity compelled him to investigate further. What could have caused his boss to leave early? Was there something going on in Jungkook's personal life that he wasn't aware of?

With a conflicted mind, Jimin hesitated for a moment before making up his mind. He discreetly walked back to Jungkook's office and gently knocked on the door. There was no response. Taking a deep breath, Jimin carefully turned the doorknob and peeked inside.

To his surprise, the office was empty. Jungkook's desk was neatly organized, and everything appeared to be in its place. Jimin couldn't help but wonder why his boss had left so abruptly without informing him or any other employee. The uncertainty only fueled his curiosity further.

Jimin recalled that Jungkook had mentioned taking a week-long personal leave, but he hadn't disclosed the reason behind it. Now, that information played on Jimin's mind, intensifying his desire to understand the circumstances surrounding Jungkook's absence.

Leaving the office with a mix of concern and intrigue, Jimin couldn't help but ponder over the possibilities. Was there a family emergency? Or perhaps something else entirely? The unanswered questions tugged at his heart, urging him to find out more.

As Jimin stepped into his car, he couldn't shake off the nagging feeling of needing to know. 

As Jimin drove home, his mind began to wander, consumed by the image he had seen earlier. The photo of Jungkook kissing another girl. The sight had pierced through his heart like a sharp dagger, igniting a mix of emotions within him.

Anger, hurt, and betrayal welled up inside Jimin as he tried to make sense of what he had witnessed. He couldn't help but despise the girl in the photo, feeling an intense surge of jealousy and resentment towards her. How could she have captured his boss's affection, the man Jimin admired and respected?

His grip tightened on the steering wheel as he struggled to keep his emotions in check. Thoughts raced through his mind, questioning the authenticity of Jungkook's character. Was this the same boss he had looked up to, the one who had guided him and supported him throughout his career?

The pain in Jimin's heart deepened as he considered the possibility of betrayal. As he continued driving, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over Jimin. Part of him wanted to confront Jungkook, to demand an explanation for his actions. But another part of him feared the truth, fearing that it would shatter the image he had held of his boss for so long. But he know, he have no rights to question his Boss.

With a heavy sigh, Jimin tried to push the thoughts aside, focusing on the road ahead. He knew he couldn't let his personal emotions cloud his professional judgment. But deep down, the pain and confusion remained, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.


Next day at office.

As the next day dawned, the office buzzed with activity. With CEO Jungkook on leave, Secretary Jimin took charge, assuming the responsibility of overseeing the company's operations. Determined to prove his capabilities, Jimin dove headfirst into his work, determined to maintain the smooth functioning of the office.

His day started with a flurry of tasks, as he rearranged meetings, rescheduled appointments, and ensured that the team was prepared for the day ahead. Jimin meticulously reviewed emails, responded to urgent inquiries, and addressed any pressing issues that required immediate attention.

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