Urgent calls and Reasonings: Ambitious Agenda in LA

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After hearing the urgency in the doorbell ringing, Jungkook slowly pulled away from Taehyung's embrace. His face was red from dried tears, his eyes swollen from hours of crying. Taehyung gently cupped Jungkook's face, using his thumb to wipe away the remnants of tears. He whispered softly, "Koo, wash your face and put on a shirt. I'll go and see who it is. Hmm?"

Jungkook remained motionless, still lost in the painful memories that had consumed him. Taehyung could hear the insistent ringing of the doorbell, indicating that whoever was on the other side was in a hurry. He stood up and guided Jungkook to the kitchen, urging him to wash his face in the sink. Together, they made their way back to the living room, where Taehyung grabbed a shirt from the floor and helped Jungkook put it on.

As they stood in the living room, Jungkook slowly began to come back to the present moment. Feeling the weight of the situation, he couldn't help but feel the need to make things right. He grabbed Taehyung's arm and pulled him into a tight hug, seeking comfort and reassurance. Taehyung reciprocated the embrace, silently conveying his unwavering support that 'I'm here'.

"I'll make it right, Baby," Jungkook murmured softly, his voice filled with determination.

Taehyung looked up into Jungkook's eyes, a mixture of concern and love evident in his gaze. "There's nothing wrong here to make right, Koo," he whispered back, trying to reassure his partner. But their moment was interrupted by the impatient ringing of the doorbell and what sounded like kicks against the door, snapping their attention back to the urgency of the situation. Taehyung slowly released himself from Jungkook's embrace and made his way towards the door.

As the door swung open, Yoongi's heart sank at the sight before him. Instead of the composed and collected couple he had expected, he was greeted by a scene of disarray and distress. It's evidence of the emotional turmoil that had unfolded within its walls. Jungkook stood there, his eyes puffy and red, wearing a shirt and only brief. Taehyung, too, appeared shaken and worried.

However, Yoongi had no time to dwell on their state. The urgency of the situation demanded immediate action. The call from Namjoon had made it clear that time was running out, and Jungkook's safety hung in the balance. Pushing aside his concerns for the couple's well-being, Yoongi quickly composed himself and stepped forward, determined to address the pressing matter at hand.

Yoongi's eyes scanned the room, taking in the scene before him. It was evident that something had deeply affected the couple. The room is gloomy. Their eyes were red and puffy, their faces etched with traces of tears. The atmosphere in the room was heavy with a mix of tension and anxiety.

Without a word, Yoongi walked past them and made himself comfortable on the couch. He exuded an air of seriousness, his gaze focused and unwavering. Jungkook and Taehyung followed him, their curiosity and concern evident in their eyes. They sat down opposite Yoongi, their bodies tense, awaiting an explanation.

Yoongi took a deep breath, preparing himself to deliver the news that had brought him here. He knew the weight of his words and the impact they would have on the couple. There was no room for hesitation or sugarcoating the truth.

Yoongi's voice cut through the heavy silence, commanding attention and urgency. His words hung in the air, weighing heavily on Jungkook's heart. "Make a call to Mr. Kim Namjoon," he said, his voice serious and stern.

Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise, his mind racing to grasp the significance of Yoongi's instruction. The mention of Namjoon's name alone sent shivers down his spine. He had always known that Namjoon held a position of power and influence, but the gravity of this situation seemed to surpass anything he had encountered before.

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