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I stared at Harry for a long time during homeroom with my feet on the basket beneath his desk and a book in my hand. To the untrained eye, I was reading another godforsaken book about some place that wasn't this one. But I knew there were a couple of people who knew exactly what I was doing, Angelina being one of them. He even knew I was staring at him but he made no move to figure out why.

Part of the reason was that I wouldn't be stuck in fear in Redmond. I was slowly coming to the realization that the only thing to truly fear was myself, but that was a foreign process. Staring at Harry was a good indication that I was no longer ignoring him for me, maybe he'd understand too. Maybe not-actually, I'm not really sure at this point.

I blinked because my eyes were starting to dry and in that short time, Harry had turned to stare at me. With a smile, I waved slightly at him with my fingers. I don't know why it made me happy to see him give me that stupid dimpled smile and roll his stupid green eyes. God, everything about him was so stupid.

"Are you done ignoring me?" he asked quietly.

I gave him half of a smile and put a finger to my lips to indicate that he needed to be quiet. Many people were actually working on homework that they simply hadn't wanted to do at home or in class. His stupid eyes looked around behind me and then he was pulling his phone out of his pocket.

My phone buzzed in my boot causing me to lean forward and pull the device out. I unlocked my phone and rolled my eyes at his text.

Harry: Are you done ignoring me?

I looked up at him and quirked up one side of my lips. A slight shrug came out of me before he went back to his phone, typing away like he didn't have enough time. Once my phone buzzed in my hands, I took my sweet time unlocking it again and reading his text.

Harry: Can I sneak you out today during lunch? We need to talk.

The nerves that I thought I had gotten rid of rose to the surface and bubbled away. Worry ran freely in my veins and pumped wildly in my heart. I looked up at him and saw the hope in his eyes. This wasn't something that I could run from, but I definitely didn't want to dive in head first anymore.

I took a second to look back at Angelina who had moved seats. She was forcing a smile-anyone could tell. But she wasn't forcing herself to talk. People were bound to know that something was wrong if she kept acting like this, and I knew for a fact that Angelina never wanted anyone to know when something was wrong.

Me: I have a prior commitment. This evening?

Harry read the message before looking up at me and nodding. I tried to look halfway excited, but I found that to be even more difficult than pushing myself to talk to Harry. But the beginning was over. Now it was time to end it, get rid of this stupid fear of this stupid, beautiful Brit.

I text messaged Angelina about lunch plans that didn't involve the rest of the group. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her read it, put the phone down, and stare at it for a bit. Liam leaned over to her and chatted with her softly. Her interest was partially in the conversation but mainly on the text I'd just sent her.

Lena: I'll be on the field.

Maybe Angelina was right in some ways but she was wrong too. In her time of grief, she snapped and I knew that, forgave it really. And it isn't because I wouldn't be anything with my best friend. It would suck to not have her, but it's because we knew each other and we could move past this in the same way any friendship did.

I smiled as the bell rang and proceeded to watch the morning fly by. The events of my a.m. classes were to be expected. Everything was too expected by this point.

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