
182 10 19

August 2013

There were a number of things that I couldn't stand: Reece laughing at me, Sam covered in mud and tracking it into the house, "bae" or whatever the hell it is, and certainly last but not least, school.

School meant that I'd have to be stuck in the same building eight hours a day with the same people that couldn't mind their own business. I'd have to face the oh-so great American education system and its nasty school lunches. The torment was never ending; hence, my great love for the United Kingdom.

Last year, I'd been able to participate in the foreign exchange student program. Luckily I'd been picked to go to England for the year instead of just a measly semester. The family I had stayed with was nice and made sure I was comfortable no matter the environment. That family had a mother.

I shook the thoughts of England away as I pulled a worn-out jean jacket on. A sense of comfort came over me as I looked at myself in the mirror. The outfit was basic, a simple worn taupe tee, boring blue skinny jeans with the ankles rolled, white converses, and of course, the worn-out jean jacket. It was comfortable and something I was bound to wear. No one at school would question me too much...hopefully.

I grabbed my bag from the corner of my room and left to go get breakfast. One of the nice things about being gone for a year is that everyone had learned how to cook. Dad already knew so all he had to do was teach Reece and Sam. With everyone knowing how to cook, I was able to sleep in a while longer.

When I got to the kitchen, I saw Reece with his hands in the sink. He wasn't much older than me, a few minutes really, and even though it grated on my nerves sometimes, I let him have it. Reece definitely looked older than me with his straight jawline and cut glass cheekbones. He'd aged better than I who still had that innocent look.

Reasons why people found it so hard for us to be twins: Reece had piercing blue eyes, curly chestnut colored hair, a straight nose, and a fuller bottom lip. I had green eyes, wavy warm honey hair, a slightly upturned nose, equally full lips, and a totally different face than him. He stood over six feet while I just barely made 5'6".

I also happened to be the odd one out in the family. Everyone but Dad had curly brown hair—Dad's hair was a pale blonde. Reece's eyes were blue like Dad's; Mom and Sam had the same brown eyes. No one was really sure where my eye color came from but no one said anything. Everyone was also tall. Sam was nearing my height at just twelve which made me worry.

I stepped further into the kitchen and got dishes out for everyone. Reece said his thank you before dividing up what he made on everyone's plates. We finished making our plates before sitting down at the bar.

"Are you ready for school?" Reece asked without looking up from his plate.

Things have been awkward between us since I got back from England. Reece hadn't approved of me going across the world without some sort of supervision. He took protective older brother to a new level, but I knew why he was doing it. Things have been rocky with me since Dad came back and shoved us into a new home in Redmond—a suburban of Seattle.

"Physically, yeah...but I don't want to go," I replied before munching on a bite of bacon.

"I know what you mean," Reece agreed before silence settled in the kitchen again. I finished my bacon and eggs before he cleared his throat. "Eden...we're cool, right? We can watch those lame movies together and take Sam to get ice cream after soccer. He's a little old now...but are we cool, Eden?"

I moved the pancakes into the middle of my plate and covered them in syrup. My silence was enough for him to start back in on his food. Even though I wanted us to be cool, I wasn't sure if we ever could be again. The only way I could tell is if we spent more time together like we had before.

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