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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the first chapter that I wrote for today? Well, I hope that you guys liked it; but I want to let you guys know that I have decided to not just concentrate on the Caseys at the moment, as there's something else I want to cover. After all, there's another man with PTSD in our story...who recently went through a similar situation with his wife and their twins.

Primary Suite, Home of Jay & Alex Halstead – It was like a switch flipped the moment all of this happened, after Gabby went into preterm labor at the office; after having a fight with her best friend, whom she sees like a sister. Not that it was exactly similar to the scenario that they suffered with her father (as it was her dad instead of her de facto sister), but it was pretty damn close; because of what events played out, ahead of Gabby having to give birth. Right before Alex gave birth to Michael and Olivia, she had a fight with her father; and right before Gabby gave birth to Bella and Sofia, she had a fight with the woman who is basically her sister. And those fights? They both led to Alex and Gabby going into premature labor, and them having to give birth prematurely; and not just to one child, but to twins. He could just see what this was doing to his wife, and that was why he was glad that Hank was here right now; as it was going to give him a chance to talk to his wife, and just take care of her here in their room. So much so, Hank decided to tell him.

Walking up behind Jay, Hank put his hand on his shoulder, which prompted Jay to turn his head, and look at him. "Hey, is she okay?" Taking a breath as he turned to look at his father-in-law, Jay decided to bring him out to the hallway so that he could explain what happened today. "Hallway, let me explain." Hank agreed with Jay as he said that, before walking out to the hallway; and let's just say that Hank is trying his best to stay calm right now, because he thought that Jay and Alex were fighting right now. But he also knew that he had to be on his best behavior, if he wanted to stay for Christmas. "May I remind you that you need to stay calm, and not make the situation worse if you want to stay." Hank laughed as he heard Jay say that, well aware that was the case. "And that was why I wasn't going to say anything, but that doesn't mean that I'm not thinking about that." Jay agreed with his de factor father-in-law, nodding. "Ok, so I need to say this first. What's going on, is not between me and Alex; me and Alex are fine, and this is independent of us."

Hank was confused as he heard Jay say that, not understanding how that's the case. "Okay, I am already lost. How can that be possible?" Taking a breath, Jay looked at Hank. "You remember what led to us going into labor last time? How we all got into a fight, and that led to..." Hank agreed with Jay as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I know, and I'm really sorry about that Jay; I hope you know that." Jay agreed with Hank as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I know Hank, I know that you're sorry; and I Know that you've changed your ways, because you want to have a relationship with your grandchildren." Hank agreed with Jay as he said that, before looking at his son-in-law. "Well, here's the thing. Today, at the office, Gabby and Stella got into a fight over something, a fight that started with Stella confronting her in the washroom...which led to Gabby needing to go to the hospital and have an emergency C-Section." Hank was shocked as he heard Jay say that, clearly able to understand what was going on right now.

"And she's getting flashbacks?" Jay agreed with Hank as he asked him whether she was getting flashbacks, as he was getting them too. "I'm getting some too." Hank sighed as he heard Jay say that, before looking at his son-in-law; after which, he proceeded to go ahead and hug him. "I'm sorry about this Jay." Jay agreed with Hank as he said that, before taking a breath as he just held him close. "Listen, I know we're home early; and I know that we should help with the kids, but..." Hank shook his head as he heard Jay say that, well aware of what he was trying to tell him; and that would be that he needs to be with Alex right now, and that he needs to be alone with her. "I understand Jay, and I think you're right; you need to be with your wife, and you need to give her comfort." Jay agreed with Hank as he said that, before taking a breath. "And you're okay with that?" Hank agreed. "Hey, I get to spend more time with the kids." Jay laughed as he heard Hank say that, before smiling as he went to grab his hand. "Supper later?" Hank agreed with his son-in-law.

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now