Ramon & Camila 2.0

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the huge delay in starting more chapters. But I got distracted, and I had other stuff to do. But now, I'm ready to post and get you some updates. Now, I do want to say that this is not the only day where I'm going to be delayed; as I am going to be going to a meeting on Friday, but that's not today. Rather, I am going to write as much as I can. Hope you guys like these chapters.

They decided to wait until after they ate breakfast, and until they were alone once more before they started talking about what Gabby wanted to talk about; and that would be her parents, and how they've decided to try again. Yet at the same time, they both knew that they couldn't do it too fast; as that would mean that Gabby may get worried and just start obsessing more, but that hasn't happened yet. And Matt is happy about that, due to the fact that he doesn't want to have to hold his wife for longer than he has to; not that he wouldn't mind, he would just rather hold her as they want to cuddle...and not due to the fact that she needs comfort, as that means that something's bothering her. And that's why they need to talk to each other, and that starts with Gabby talking to him. And that's due to the fact that Matt has no place starting this conversation, not when: (a) Gabby was the one that wanted to talk about this topic, and (b) Ramon and Camila are her parents. And that means that this affects his children, should this reunion be fatal like their union.

And that was why Matt was currently in the midst of just holding Gabby and waiting for her to speak to him, as he ran his hand up and down her back; and that most certainly is something that Gabby was enjoying, as it was giving her the comfort that she needed from her husband. The comfort that her husband was more than okay with giving her, as he loves her; and wants to help her. And right now, that's exactly what he's going to do; as Gabby was ready to talk to her husband, and to let him in so that he can help her. "Okay, can you at least promise me that..." Already well aware of what Gabby was going to ask him, which is that she wants him to support her; Matt just agreed, due to the fact that was exactly what he planned on doing. He was going to support her, and he was going to give her the love and comfort that she needs at the moment; and boy was it something that Gabby was going to enjoy, and he just knew it.

But now, he needs to make sure that she knows it; and he said the following in order to vocalize how Gabby needed to approach this situation right now, as she was not approaching it in the right way at the moment. Rather, she needed to do the following: "Don't even think about that Gabby. Gabby, I'm your husband, and I love you more than anything in the entire world; I am going to make sure that you get whatever comfort from me that you need, and I will be here to help you through everything at the same time." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, well aware that was the case; after all, that was something that Matt has always done for her. He's always helped her when she's needed it, and he's always been her biggest supporter. "After all, you've always been my biggest supporter." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, before turning his head and looking down at the woman he loves.

"At least, when you come to me first."

Gabby agreed with her loving husband as he said that, well aware of the even that he was referring to; and that was when she went exploring in the drug alleys with Severide for Bria, a girl that she took under her wing for a while almost two years ago now. But now, she isn't taking random street girls under her wings now; rather, she was going to do that with her own daughters, whom she's proud that she's going to have a long legacy thanks to them. At least, if they join the company and design. "So, do you want to talk right now?" Gabby agreed with her husband, as that most certainly was something that she wanted to talk to her husband about right now; she wanted to talk to her husband about the fact that her parents are back together, which is something that she's weary about. "I'm just so weary about it, because of how my dad is. He's so..." Matt then went to describe her father in the best way possible.

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now