Unintended Consequences

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Now these, these were a set of clothes that he could wear for a while. A nice t-shirt and a comfortable set of shorts, which he'll wear until he's cold again; then he'll probably put some sweats on again, just like he was wearing while he was still inside. But he wasn't inside right now, but outside in the front where they have a pen where dogs can run; and that's actually where Kelly is going to meet him, so that they can talk ahead of his appointment. 'I'm in the service dog pen with Andy, come here when you get there, and we can talk.' Hitting send on his message to Kelly, Matt took a breath as he listened to some music with the hopes of calming down ahead of his phone call with Antonio; then again, it might be better for him to just talk to him about it before Kelly gets here.

So, that's what he decided to do; he decided to call him right away, so that he could get it out of the way. Opening his phone, Matt took a breath as he went to hit Antonio's phone number; while at the same time, he made sure that the phone call was routed to his AirPods so that he could speak to him through it. And let's just say that Antonio could only imagine what this conversation was about. "Oh, I can only imagine what this is going to be able." Matt sighed as he heard Antonio say that. "Antonio, of course I'm going to call you about the press conference." Antonio agreed. "So, why am I just hearing your voice?" Matt sighed. "Because your sister is upstairs with the boys, while I'm down here with Andy; and I'm about to go in with Kelly to go help him with his appointment."

Antonio agreed with Matt as he said that. "And you want to thank me for what I said?" Matt sighed, because that most certainly is something that he wants to do first. "Okay, that is something that I need to do. I want to say that, because I loved how you defended us and everything; that was something that I like that you did, and I am so glad that you did that. So, thank you for that." Antonio agreed with Matt as he said that. "You let me know if they bother you, as I will put out another..." Matt stopped him right there. "Oh, you are not making any other statements; not when you just made my life a living hell." Antonio was confused. "What did I say that was wrong?" Matt sighed. "What you said about Stella." Antonio agreed. "You like the statement?" Matt sighed.

"No, I don't like what I said; because you screwed up my plan, which I have a plan to deal with that."

Antonio was shocked. "So, she isn't suspended?" Matt sighed. "Antonio, you aren't the CEO. I am allowed to do this, and I already spoke to Gabby about this. So, Gabby is aware of what I am going; but I am telling you this. I was going to make them work from home for a while, so they're away from us for a while." Matt then looked down at Andy, and wen to grab the ball that he had in his pocket; after which, he threw it so that he can run. "So, you were just making her work from home, and she wasn't going to be suspended?" Matt sighed. "I don't know yet Antonio, things are so fluid. I am so unsure of what's going on. I have so much on my mind, and you literally had to go through all of this. Antonio, you know everything that's going on, and I thought we were doing press tomorrow."

Antonio was confused as he heard Matt say that. "No, it was set for today. It's not a good idea to do press conferences on Fridays, because the media doesn't get it much." Matt agreed. "I know, and I am not talking about that. It's just..." Taking a breath, Matt sighed. "...today is Kelly's PTSD diagnosis, and I was going to go help him; now I am not sure whether he's going to want me there, when I know that I need to be there." Antonio just sighed as he heard Matt say that. "God, I have really put you in a bind; haven't I?" Matt agreed with Antonio. "Antonio, I approved a statement, and we weren't going to do questions for a reason; because the media will spin it the way that they do. And now, we're going to have to deal with the fallout of those comments." Antonio understood.

After all, he knew that was the case. He knew that the media was going to spin it, and that meant that he was going to have to get a bunch of calls. "Now listen, I am going to have to do what you were supposed to do and clear things up with the media in the future; I will be releasing another statement through Heather, or through myself. And you are not going to comment on it, because I do not want to deal with you right now. Not listen, I need to go; I have stuff to do." Hanging up his phone, Matt took a breath as he went to go put his phone in his pocket; while at the same time, he heard Kelly walk up to him today. "So, are you trying to make us go broke? Last time I checked, we were helping you create a company in return for money!" Turning his head, Matt sighed.

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now