The Start of COVID with the Jacobs: We're Next

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the reaction that Matt and Gabby gave to Ryan and Sarah? Well, I hope you liked it because I am not done with this storyline; because right now, I feel like covering the staff for a bit. And that's due to the fact that I've written so much about personal life, that I feel like I want to start diving into the business aspect. But that involves me writing about the staff, so that's exactly what I'm going to do starting right now. Hope you guys like the staff I've chosen.

Jacobs Home, Kaka'ako – She couldn't help but feel thrilled for her friend as she read the text message that she just got from her boss, a text message letting her know that she shouldn't disturb her friend at the moment. 'I know that you and Sarah Miller are friends. Maybe give her a bit of time alone with her husband, she just got some big news. Let me know if you get the same news.' Laughing as she read that text, Bella Jacobs already knew the exact message that her boss was trying to tell her; and that would be that her friend was pregnant with her and her husband's first child, which means that she might get more modelling. 'Is this you telling me not to get pregnant this year, so you have a model for Casey Creations?' Her boss was a bit shocked when her model thought that way.

Which is why she most definitely wanted to correct the message that she was sending to Bella Jacobs, which most certainly was not that. 'Oh god, if you're pregnant then congratulations. Please, do not feel obligated to stay in modelling shape. Live your life, as we aren't doing shoots for a while.' Bella agreed with her boss as she told her that, well aware that was going to be the case; after all, they are in the middle of a pandemic. 'Well, you better believe that my husband is going to love the sound of that; I bet that he wants to try now that we need to stay home. So, you better believe we're going to try. Have you seen my husband?' Smirking as she sent that message, Bella Jacobs thought about how gorgeous her husband is; especially when he's running his hands all over her, in their bed.

Oh, the way his body moves against hers in bed; just thinking about it is turning Bella on and making her want to take her husband up to bed so that she can get some attention from him in bed. 'Yes I have, and he is quite a hunk (if I weren't married). Now, stay safe and I hope that you guys give R&S a break. -Gabby.' Thinking about whether she wants to reply to that message, Bella decided that she wasn't going to; after all, there was nothing more to say in that conversation. Well, that was related to her at least; because there was something else that she wanted to say right now, and it was related to what her husband just did as he walked up behind her in the kitchen. And boy, was it hot; so hot, that she didn't even care that her husband was all sweaty after coming back from a run.

And just what might he have done? Well, he just bent down and kissed her neck. And damn is that sexy, and exactly what she wants. "Oh baby." Smirking as he heard Bella say that, Mario wrapped his arms around her and moved his hands to her legs; after all, his wife was wearing something very sexy for him. More specifically, she was wearing some lingerie that her husband loved. "I think we both know why I am running my hands all over you right now." Bella agreed with her man as he said that, before smiling as she put her hands on top of his. "How was your run?" Mario smirked as Bella asked him that, before stepping close to her from behind and whispering in her ear. "I'll tell you, but only if you turn around so that I can see what my wife is wearing." Bella smirked and agreed.

After which, she turned around to face the man she loves; after all, that was what he wanted her to do right now. He wanted her to turn around and face her, so that he could give her something that they both want. And that would be a nice kiss, from his sweet lips to hers. "Come here handsome." Mario agreed with Bella as she said that, smirking as he stepped close to his wife and bent down so that he could kiss the woman he loves softly. After all, that's exactly what he wants to be doing right now. He wants to kiss his wife, and he wants to hold her close to him. "God, I love you. And I love it when you wear lingerie." Smirking as she set her phone down, Bella agreed with Mario as she stepped close to him; after which, she wrapped her arm around his neck and held him close.

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now