Do the Changes (and the Email) Make Sense?

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Hi Readers: I want to apologize for the long delay in between chapters, but I have been a bit lazy today for some reason. But now, I hope to kick it into high gear to get some nice quality chapters out to you guys. Hope you like them.

Home of Antonio Dawson - The brother and uncle pretty much already knew the exact reason why he was being called this morning, and that would be regarding the e-mail which he (and the rest of the company) just received; and that was why Antonio Dawson was more than happy to answer the call, as he sat down in his home office while using his computer. "I can only assume that this phone call is about the e-mail that I just received?" Hearing his brother-in-law snicker as he heard him ask that question, Antonio just knew right then and there that it most certainly was the exact reason why he was being called today. "You know me too well Dawson." Antonio agreed with Matt as he said that, while also opening the e-mail once more so that he can have it in front of him to read it.

"By the way, been meaning to send you this. Thank you so much for letting us bring some technology home, I already love using a second screen to read my e-mails."

Matt laughed as he heard Antonio say that, as he felt the same way; in fact, he's surprised that people don't use two screens to do their work. "Oh, I absolutely hate it. It's why I rarely work in bed, due to the fact that I feel like I need to have two screens." Antonio was highly suspicious as he heard Matt say that, as he knew that there was another reason why Matt didn't work in bed. "Well, I think that there's really another reason why you don't work inn bed; a reason which is related to the fact that your wife hates it when you work in bed, and you're scared to make her mad." Gabby snickered as she heard her brother say that. "Actually, we both work in bed. I mean, I don't want to be a hypocrite." Antonio was a bit confused as he heard Gabby say that, unsure of what she meant by that.

"Okay, I'm going to play dumb right now; and I am going to just ask this, because I am really unsure of just what you mean. How exactly would you be a hypocrite if you don't want Matt to work in bed?"

Gabby snickered as she heard her brother say that once more, before going to point out the obvious. "Antonio, I always work in bed." Antonio was still confused when he heard his sister say that, so he just stayed quiet so that Gabby could fill him in. "Hello, where do I do my best when it comes to designing? Sure, I could work at a desk...but I am much more comfortable, especially when I'm also feeding the girls." Antonio agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case; and that's when he decided to ask his sister how she and the girls are, especially now that they're home. "Speaking of which, how are the girls doing? And the boys? Are they happy to have their parents and sisters home?" Matt snickered as he asked that question, as his sons don't really know.

"The girls are doing good in their cribs. The boys are fine and healthy, and love having their parents home; but I am not too sure whether they've even realized that they have sisters now."

Antonio agreed with his brother-in-law as he said that, understanding why that would be the case; after all, there was no way for them to really understand all of this. "I just hope that they don't remember much of the first year of their life." Gabby was a bit confused as she heard Antonio say that, unsure of why he would even say such a thing. "Okay, why? I mean, I want them to remember some of their youth; I know that I don't remember it, but wouldn't you want to remember some of this time?" Antonio sighed as he heard his sister say that, before pulling his attention away from the screen. He then went to grab his phone and held it close as he leaned back in his chair while speaking to his brother; after all, he hates that he even has to point this out. But apparently, he does have to.

"Because I am not sure that we want the boys to remember how their mom had to be in the hospital after their sisters were born, as that can bring up a lot of questions; questions that I would rather you not have to deal with in the future Gabby."

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now