Hospital Day 3: Herrmann

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Walking out of the bathroom shortly after filing up Andy's water bowl, Matt smiled as he carried it back over to where his things were in their room; after which, he set it down and just smiled at his service dog. "There you go buddy, some fresh water to keep you cool." Snickering a bit as she tried to put her shorts on, Gabby looked at her husband. "Cute." Turning his head, Matt started to get worried when he noticed what Gabby was doing. "Hey, what are you doing baby? You're going to hurt yourself." Looking at the man she loves as he said that, Gabby agreed and stopped what she was doing; in the process, she dropped her shorts and let them fall onto the ground. Meanwhile, Matt made his way over to Gabby and crouched down to look into her eyes. "Hey, look at me baby." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before doing just that. "You can't do that to me Gabby, it worries me when you go that far. You need to relax, and you need to take it easy for your recovery." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case.

After which, she watched as Matt leaned in and proceeded to kiss her softly. "Gabby, please don't worry me like that again. Let me help you and let me take care of you baby. I mean it when I say that you need to remember that you're still healing." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I know's just hard a times to not be independent." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware of the fact that Gabby does like to be independent. "I know Gabby. I know that you like to be independent. And I truly do love that about you, how independent you are. But right now, you need to let me help you; that way, you won't get hurt. Because if you go too fast in trying to recover, then you'll just hurt yourself and we'll have to stay here longer; and we don't want that, right?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, as that most certainly is not something that she wants. She doesn't want to be here any longer than she has to, because she'd rather be with the boys and playing with them in the near future.

"This is for your health Gabby, and it's also for the girls' health. Because the girls are going to need you to be strong, and ready to take care of them when we all get released from the hospital. They want their mommy to be able to play with them and show them a bunch of love by giving them sweet kisses; they don't want you to be stuck in bed, when you want to be with your family. Right?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before moving her hand to his neck. "I swear, I am not worthy of your Matthew Casey." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, before leaning in and proceeding to kiss her softly. "No, it's the other way around. I'm not worthy of you, and I never want to hear you say that you're not worthy of my." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, falling more and more in love with this man whom she has the privilege of calling her husband more each and every day. "God, you really are good at that." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that. "And what would that be?" Gabby smiled at her dreamy husband, Matt Casey.

"The way you flirt with me like that." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "Who said anything about flirting? I'm just stating the truth and telling you what I believe to be the truth." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, really now?" Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, before leaning in and kissing her softly. "Listen, how about you let me help you with your shorts? Then, I'll help you get in bed again so that we can call our friend." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "I still can't believe that we call Herrmann a friend, because he's so much older than us." Matt agreed. "Your brother is ten years older than me, and I consider him a friend." Gabby snickered as she heard Matt say that. "Touché." Matt laughed a bit as he heard Gabby say that, before moving to put her shorts on; after which, he got up once more and leaned in so that he could kiss the woman he loves once more. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that. "I love you too, and I'm ready to get back in bed."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as he feels the same way as her; so, he opened the covers and let Gabby get in bed ahead of him. After which, he proceeded to get in bed next to her and wrapped his arm around her; snuggling up to Matt not long afterwards, Gabby smiled as she wrapped her arms around his muscular torso and just cuddled up to him (while also laying her head down on his chest). Meanwhile, Matt turned his head and pressed his lips to Gabby's forehead, which most certainly is everything that Gabby wants right now. She wants to be held by the man of her dreams, and she wants to feel this happy with him; because that's how Matt makes her feel at the end of the day, happy. He makes he feel like the happiest woman in the entire world, and she feels so blessed to have Matt as her husband; the man she gets to love, and the father of her children. But now, it's time for him to kiss her once more ahead of them calling Herrmann back so that they can talk to him, which is exactly what he did, as he leaned down and kissed her.

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now