The Start of COVID with the Halstead Family

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Hello Readers: What did you guys think of that last chapter? Are you glad that we now have the Halstead Family back in the story? Well, I hope you are as they are going to stay here for a bit; especially since I want to visit them for a bit and see how they're doing at the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Hope you guys continue to enjoy the story, and maybe let me know what you guys want.

"Natalie, we're in a time of crisis; of course, I'm going to let Will work at the hospital, rather than at Casey. As long as he's safe, Will belongs at the hospital so that he can take care of as many people as he can during this time." -Matthew Casey, Chairman and CEO

Second Floor Family Room, Halstead Home – It wasn't that often that Alex Casey sat in the upstairs family room, as she mostly sat in the main floor family room; and that was due to the fact that it was where the big TV was. But right now, she was sitting up here as she wanted to spend a bit of time with Natalie; some time where they can relax as girls, and just take it easy while their husbands were out grocery shopping...something that only they can do, as they need to do something else. And that would be take care of the twins, which Alex was currently doing with Natalie; as she was breastfeeding Michael, who most definitely was loving this feeling of her feeding him. And while she may not have breastfed from the start, she's glad that she's doing it now as she loves the feeling.

And she also loves the time that it allows her to bond with her beautiful children, which is why she always rotates which one of the kids that she feels. And right now, it was Michael's turn to be breastfed; while it was Olivia's turn to be fed by the bottle, by her aunt Natalie. But at the same time, they were also talking to Matt and Gabby, which is when Alex finally heard Natalie give a response to Matt's statement. "I think that's why he's still there, as he doesn't want to just sit around and do nothing when he can be of help at the hospital." Alex agreed with Natalie, concurring in her statement. "Which is why they moved in, so that Will wasn't worried all the time while he was at work; because he knows that Natalie's safe with us, because we're safe with the kids." Matt agreed with Alex.

After all, he had a feeling that was why they were living there. "Now, just remember that you need to take it easy Natalie." Natalie laughed as she heard Matt say that, as that should be what she was telling him; especially after everything that they've been through, ever since Gabby gave birth to the girls. "I just hate that I wasn't there to say goodbye to you guys today." Matt laughed. "You wouldn't even have seen us; we left the hospital at around five this morning." Natalie was a bit taken aback as she heard Matt say that they left the hospital at five this morning. "What? Why did you guys leave so early?" Snickering, Gabby went to answer that question. "It's due to the fact that Matt wanted to get out of there, as he didn't want to expose our girls to this." Matt agreed with Gabby, as it was true.

"If I could get Gabby and the girls out of there, without us contracting COVID-19; then I was going to do that, especially when I was already under enough stress as it is. I have so much on my mind."

Natalie agreed with Matt as he said that, able to hear it in his voice. "Let me guess, a bunch of things related to work?" Gabby sighed as she spoke on her and Matt's behalf. "Let's just say that some things that come with being a CEO are not all that glamorous, not when you need to figure out how to keep a lot of people employed in the middle of a pandemic." Matt sighed as he heard Gabby say that, before adding on. "And I have barely figured it out, because there are so many rules that I have to deal with. And honestly, it couldn't have come at a worst time. I mean, we literally bring the girls home; and then it's also when we're just expanding the company into multiple states, and that means that we need to deal with multiple laws when it comes to how we work."

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now