Final Preparations

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Hello Readers: And welcome to your daily update of The Caseys. At least, for now. I just want to let you know that this update schedule may change in the future. That is, once I get close to the same number of chapters in both of my stories; then, I will probably rotate with story I update first based on the number of chapters, and then post whatever amount I can to each story. (E.g., if The Caseys was at 386, but Lost & Found was at 385; I would update Lost and Found first, and then rotate.) But that's far off into the future, as I need to catch up with Lost & Found first. And right now, I need to do something else. And that would be update The Caseys. So, what do you say we get that started, and update you on what's going on at the Casey Headquarters pre-press conference.

It felt odd. Odd to be sitting in this chair, and to be the one in charge of the meeting; especially when he doesn't know Matt and Gabby as well as the rest of the people in this room, who have known the couple since before they started the company. And two of them, since they were children; as they were not just friends from Chicago, but their own brother (in the case of Antonio and Gabby) and sister (in the case of Christie and Matt). And that was why Rafael felt like he had to say something, because he needed the two of them to know that he under no circumstances will at all try and say anything to control the both of them; he won't, as that isn't fair to them when these are not just close friends to them. Rather, this is their family; and that means that this is personal to the both of them.

And Rafael truly does feel like that's a good place to start, as it's something that he needs to say at some point anyways; so they might as well get it out of the way, and just let the conversation flow. "Okay, as Interim Chairman, I hereby do call this meeting of the senior executive team to order." Everybody agreed with Rafael as he said that, clearly able to see that he was a bit nervous; and that was why they all snickered a bit, with the hopes of making things a bit more relaxed. But that didn't mean that had the effect, as Rafael still felt nervous when it came to what he had to say; what he had to tell the two people that really do have a lot of sway here in the room, as t hey are the brother and sister of the permanent Chairman and CEO, and Vice-Chairwoman and Deputy CEO; Mr. and Ms. Casey.

And those two people would be Ms. Christie Casey, as she is Mr. Casey's sister; and Mr. Antonio Dawson, as he is Ms. Casey's brother (as well as Mr. Casey's brother-in-law). And that was where he was going to begin. "First matter of business, I want to address some matters with regards to the press conference." Everybody agreed, as they all knew that was the reason that was why they were gathered here today; so that they could prepare for the press conference and work out their game plan. Something that Jay decided to point out. "No, I didn't realize that we were going to..." And that's when Rafael shut him up, as this is not a time for jokes. "Okay, enough. I am sorry Mr. Halstead, but can we please put the joking aside for a moment?" Hearing Raf snap, everybody got quiet.

But Rafael did something else, and just took a breath. "Okay, here's the thing. Ms. Casey, and Mr. Dawson; I want to just say this. I know you are family, and I didn't mean to snap at you. But I have..." Christie just looked at Rafael, before grabbing his hand as she wanted to calm him down. "Hey, it's okay Raf. Take a breath and calm down. I think we all can understand your nerves; especially me and Antonio, as this is a day that is full of emotions." Rafael agreed with Christie as she said that, before taking a breath and looking at her; after which, he pulled his hand away as it felt awkward as he is married. "Sorry, that felt wrong. I am married after all." Christie agreed with Rafael. "My apologies Rafael." Raf took a breath and just sighed, before looking around the room to relax.

He then went to start again. "Okay. Now, here we go. First things first. Jay, cut it out. Right now, we are not joking; and this is something that we are here to do for your friend, who has trusted the company to me. Someone that he barely knows, and this is a lot of trust. This is my first press conference as acting Chairman and CEO, and I am not going to screw it up; especially not when it has something to do with health, and the safety of children. So, either smarten up, and stop joking; or else you will not be on the podium, and I will ask your brother to represent your family and nobody else." Jay agreed with Rafael as he said that, well aware that he was the boss right now; because he was the one that held the title of Interim Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Casey, e.g., his boss.

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now