Daddy's Nap Time (and PTSD)

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the last chapter? Hope you guys liked it. Well, now I am ready to keep going with another chapter, and then another after this (hopefully). Now, what do you say we get back to it? Here's more about Matt's birthday. But first, what did you think of the show that I chose for them on Netflix? Do you think they should keep watching it? Let me know and enjoy.

It turned out that the kids weren't the only ones that needed to take a nap, as Matt ended up needing to take as well; something that he did whilst in the midst of cuddling up to Gabby and watching Selling Sunset. But it seemed that Gabby didn't even notice due to the fact that she was just so comfortable when it came to them watching this show, while also being held in Matt's arms, which is why she ended up scaring him as she moved against him in a way that brought back some back memories...because she ended up hitting a place on his body that was once injured by a huge beam falling on top of him in the middle of a fire. And that just made him shake. After which, he started to say some familiar words. Words that all came flooding back from the time where he almost died in that warehouse fire. The fire where he said goodbye to his beautiful wife, something that he always promised her he'd never do again. "Gabby, I want you to remember us...holding each other..." And just hearing those words snapped Gabby back to reality.

The reality where her husband was currently asleep and having some PTSD. Something that Andy just realized based on what he was hearing. And that was why he just jumped up and went to push Gabby away, as he needed her out of the way. "I love you..." She still hated the sound of those words to this day, the sound of him saying goodbye to her; yet at the same time, she also knew the true meaning behind those words, as they spoke about it when they were on their RV trip. She remembered the reason why Matt felt the need to say those words, and what he was feeling in the moment. And she also knew something else, that they were going to be talking about it all over again just as soon as he was awake with Andy's help. And that was going to be quite soon, as Andy just got onto his chest and was now licking his face; something that he always does when he needs to get Matt to wake up. And just like normal, it always seemed to work. Him licking Matt's face always seemed to wake him up from his nightmares, his PTSD nightmares.

After which, Andy yipped a bit just to make sure that he really was awake; that he was awake and okay. And that most certainly is what Matt is, he's okay as he put his hand on his dog's head. "Hey buddy. I'm okay now., I'm okay. Thank you." Matt then proceeded to rub the top of Andy's head, before kissing it while breathing. After which, Andy decided to get off him, but not off the couch as he felt a need to stay close to him; to stay on the couch, with his patient. "OK. Seems like you want to stay up here." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, as that most certainly seems to be the truth. "You okay baby?" Matt just took a breath, before sighing as he knew that he wasn't as he knew that the only reason that Andy would've been on his chest, would be if he had some PTSD. And that was why Matt wasn't okay, due to the fact that he just had some PTSD. PTSD that he was going to have to talk to Gabby about as he was confused. "I am so lost at the moment." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, clearly able to see that was the case as he laid down.

And that was due to the fact that he just had some PTSD, which always led to him feeling lost afterwards. But that didn't mean that he was going to be lost for the rest of the day, as Gabby was here to make sure that he was okay; something that was going to start with her getting close to him, as well as placing her hand on the side of his head while leaning over him. At the same time, Matt reached him and put his hand on her face whilst leaning his forehead against hers. "You okay?" Gabby agreed with her husband, as she was more than okay; the truth is, she should be the one that was asking him that question instead. "If anything, I should be the one asking you that question." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, while letting out a sigh due to the fact that he knew that he was going to need to figure some things out. "OK. Can I at least know what my PTSD was about? I just...I see you staring at me." Gabby agreed. After all, he at least needed to know that. He needed to know what PTSD he had. Which event he was remembering.

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now