A New Prescription

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the quick look into the Halstead Family? Well, I hope you guys liked it and are ready to see more of them at a later date; but right now, I am going to go back to Matt, Gabby, Bella, and Sofia.

He decided to unpack their room while Gabby took a nap, so that he could make sure that they were all settled and everything when she woke up; however, while he was unpacking...he realized that they were missing something, something that he thought he really needed to have here at the hospital with him (other than his family and Andy, of course). Instead, that was his prescription for his PTSD medication. But of course, he wanted to make sure that it was still at home; so, he called his mom and got what he already knew was confirmed. And that was that he left his medication at home, and that he was going to need get some; even though his mom offered to bring it to him, which he didn't want her to do. He just told her that he would go to the pharmacy, and get himself a new prescription; and luckily, the pharmacy was more than okay with giving Matt a new prescription. Apparently, he isn't the first dad to do that; and they understand how some dads might not always remember to bring everything, so they dispensed the new prescription.

So now, Matt has everything that he needs here, at the hospital with him: his beautiful wife, their beautiful daughters Bella and Sofia, and his service dog Andy, which is something else that he took care of, taking him out to the washroom ahead of him and Gabby having some supper. Well, only after he gets changed of course; because that's exactly what Gabby wants him to do, ahead of him getting in bed with her. Well, just after he tells her just where she went. "So, did he have to go to the washroom?" Turning his head as he proceeded to close the door behind him, Matt smiled as his gorgeous wife. "Yes, and I also went to the pharmacy to get our prescriptions." Gabby was a bit confused as she heard Matt say that. "Our prescriptions?" Matt sighed as he finished clothing the door, before bending down and going to take off Andy's leach. "There you go Andy, go lay down boy." Andy then agreed, doing just that; after which, Matt moved to hang up his leach on the hook close to the door. At the same time, Matt walked over to Gabby.

"Yes, our prescriptions." Walking over to Gabby's side of the bed, Matt proceeded to set the bag of medication down; after which, he sat down next to his beautiful wife as she laid down in bed. And let's just say that was exactly what Gabby wanted, as she loves the fact that Matt is currently sitting down with her; after which, Matt moved his hand to her neck while bending down so that he could kiss her softly. And boy, did Gabby love it when Matt kissed her; because that was something that they both wanted to do right now, they wanted to share a kiss with each other as they both relaxed and held each other close. "Hi beautiful." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, while putting her hand on his and staring into his eyes. "So, what are you talking about when it comes to our prescriptions?" Sitting up again, Matt smiled as he moved his hand to her stomach once again; after which, he flashed her a smile.

"I got you your pain meds, and I went to go get my PTSD medication." Moving her hand on top of Matt's hand, Gabby agreed with him as he said that. "Did you need a new round?" Matt shook his head. "I just couldn't find them in my bag, then I called my mom; and they were in the bathroom, right where I left them." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before looking up into his eyes; after which, Matt bent down and proceeded to kiss the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. After all, this is exactly what they both want to do. "Do you need me to get you anything? Do you want me to get you water or anything?" Gabby smiled as she looked at the man she loves. "Right now, I'm good. I just woke up." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case. "I know, you were fast asleep when I left to go to the pharmacy, where I actually ran into Lisa Clarke." Gabby smiled.

"Let me guess, she sends her and Jeff's best?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before moving his hand to her neck; after which, he stroked her cheek and just smiled as he bent down and proceeded to kiss her softly. And god, this is exactly what he wants. "Okay, so I want to just remind you that you need to calm down and take it easy." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I know baby, and I promise to relax." Smiling at the woman he loves, Matt smiled due to the fact that this is just what he wants right now; he wants to the hold the woman he loves as she just relaxes in bed right now, which is exactly what she needs to do right now. She needs to relax, and she needs Matt to join her in bed. "Listen, I think I would really like for you to join me in bed; and I want you to hold me close, as we cuddle up to each other." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, smiling at her.

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now