He Said What Now?

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in chapters. I have just been really lazy today and have been thinking of what to write. But now, I am going to get to work and hopefully get a bunch of chapters out to you guys as we get closer and closer to three hundred chapters. I still can't believe that we're already closing in on three hundred chapters, because I didn't think I would be able to continue this story will all these storylines that I'm writing for this long. But now, let's not waste anymore time and give you some answers.

He was still mad at his best friend as he made his way into his and Gabby's bedroom, the father of four still not believing his own ears after what Kelly told him; after all, they just lost another child. And that was why they were done, because they lost a son; another one. Matt always believed that their first child was going to be a boy, and now they lost two sons. Or maybe it was a girl, because that's what it has to be so that it balances out. There's no way that they would have four sons, and only two daughters. Oh god, what does the gender even matter when it comes down to it; it's not like they ever got to meet their child, because they didn't. They never got a chance to even know the gender of their child, but that's not what they have to deal with right now as he has to tell Gabby.

He has to tell Gabby what Severide just told him, and he needs to make a bunch of decisions as to Severide's future with the company; other than the one he already made, by suspending him. And that reminds him, he needs to tell Rafael about that through an e-mail, which he will do another time, because now is not the time to write that e-mail. He's far too angry, and he doesn't want to write anything that could damage his relationship with Kelly permanently; not that it wouldn't be warranted, based on what he just said. He just hates that he's going to have to tell Gabby what he said, as he knows that it's going to break her heart; it's going to make her mad, and that may hinder all the progress that she's made in her recovery of a premature birth. And that's the last thing he wants.

He wants them to move forward, rather than backwards; and if they get mad, then they are just going to go backwards in all of her progress. But still, he knows that he'll just have to tell her at some point; but maybe not yet, not when he has to get changed and be comfortable with his wife instead. And that was the entire reason why Matt was currently in the bathroom, as he got changed and put on some fresh deodorant and cologne this afternoon; but that wasn't all he had to do prior to leaving the washroom and re-joining Gabby and the boys in bed, as he also had to tell Camila something. And that would be that he wasn't wearing his pants anymore, due to the fact that he wants to be comfortable. And to be comfortable, he has to wear his boxers and a t-shirt; because that's cozy.

"Camila, I am warning you right now; you are not to comment on my attire, as it's not changing."

Hearing Matt say that, Gabby snickered a bit as she already knew what he was going to wear; at least, she thought she did. But she didn't, as she thought that Matt was just going to be wearing his boxers; but as you know, he's also wearing a t-shirt. "Baby, maybe you should wear a t-shirt while my mom is here." Coming out of the washroom, Matt smiled as he looked at his beautiful wife; after all, he was thinking the same thing. "Great minds think alike, I think that's the saying at least." Gabby smiled as she heard her husband say that, because they most certainly do. "Remember, just take it easy and relax baby; we're just taking it easy with the boys today." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case. "Gabby, I already know that." Gabby agreed with her husband.

After which, she turned to look at her mom. "Mom, you okay with what Matt's wearing?" Smiling as she held her grandson Noah in her arms, Camila smiled. "Of course, I understand that you want to be comfortable." Matt smiled as he heard Camila say that, before looking at Noah. "I can only assume that's exactly how Noah feels right now?" Rocking her grandson in the rocking chair, Camila smiled and agreed with Matt as that most certainly is what Noah is as he cuddled up to his abuela. "I think that's how we can describe how Noah is, as he cuddles up to me right now..." Turning her head, Camila smiled at her grandson. "Isn't that right Noah, comfortable?" Nodding as he held his blankie in his arms, Noah just cuddled up to his abuela; at the same time, Matt made his way over to them.

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now