Family Time: Breakfast

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out to you guys. I ended up taking a bit of time to write this chapter, because I wanted to make it just write for you guys; especially since I gave you two short chapters in a row. So, this one has to be long.

Halstead Primary Suite – Walking into her and Jay's bedroom with breakfast this morning, Alex Halstead couldn't help but smile at the sight in front of her; the sight of her husband and their twins in the play pen, quietly playing with each other right now. After all, that was exactly what Alex wanted her children to do right now; as she needed to talk to their father, who was currently wearing some nice sweats...more specifically, the sweats that she absolutely loves seeing him wear. And god, they are so damn sexy; and so is he, especially when he's so damn muscular. Then again, Alex loves the sight of him being shirtless in any pants he wears because of how muscular he is; heck, he can even just wear jeans and she would be okay with that. Another thing that she's okay with? Well, that would be if Jay was interested in staying in the kids' play pen while he has breakfast; because that would be so damn adorable, and she knew that it would calm him down right now. God, the drama that they just had this morning was horrible; and she hated it.

But now, she, Alex, and the kids were all alone; and they weren't going to be disturbed, because of the news that she has to share with her husband. But first, she's going to bring the food over to bed; no need for her to disturb a beautiful sight before she's ready to get her husband in bed. Then, she can do something else; something that is quite adorable in her opinion, because Jay is going to love what she's going to do...just as soon as she closes the door behind her and takes off her shirt. Because that's something else that she wants to give her husband today, as they cuddle up to each other; the sexy lingerie that she's currently wearing underneath her clothes, which she already knows Jay is going to absolutely adore. Heck, he may even want to take them off; but that's not something that they can do, as they have the children (and they need to talk)...especially after some things that she spoke with her father about, and that she wants to speak to her husband about; and at some point, she also wants to collect on that massage he promised her.

But first, she needs to eat; then, she'll climb in his lap (with the both of them wearing their undergarments) and she'll get her man to give her a massage. So, she made sure to get ready for them in bed by starting her routine; the routine and steps that she follows, ahead of her getting in bed with the man of her dreams. And what might that be? Well, that would be her taking off her shirt; that way, she could reveal the lingerie that she was wearing and get him to calm down. Because that was something else that she new, that her husband would calm down if he was holding her in his arms; with her just wearing some sexy lingerie, as they cuddle up to each other in bed. And now, that's exactly what she's going to start doing as she made her way over to the top of her bed. Picking up her pillow, Alex proceeded to set her shirt down on their bed; after which, Alex smirked as she went ahead and went to take off her shorts. That way, she was wearing exactly what Jay wanted her to be wearing right now. And that would be her sexy lingerie that he likes.

And now, she's on her way to get her husband away from their kids; because as adorable as they are, she wants to have her husband to herself right now. Well, not all to herself; she can at least share the room with her kids, and they can watch them play with each other. But that's all she wants to do right now, as she wants to have her husband in bed. And now, that's exactly what she's going to get him to do. Standing behind her man, Alex smirked as she put her hands on her shoulders and looked at the man she loves. "Hey you." Turning his head, Jay smirked as he looked up at his wife. "Oh, damn." Alex laughed as she heard Jay say that, well aware that he likes the sight of her in her lingerie; so much so, that Jay stood up and then got close to her. After which, he wrapped his arms around her and just smirked as he felt Alex put her hands on his arms. "God, what's this all about?" Alex smirked as she looked at her man as he asked her that. "Oh, I just wanted to give you a bit of something." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, smirking at his wife.

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now