Chapter One || Cealeste Academy

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William swam from his closet to his bed, holding as many clothes as he could hold in his arms. He happily dances as he drops his stuff on his bed before looking through them and putting them into the bags lying open on his bed.

Today was the day he was finally leaving for his dream school: Caelaste Academy. A school for any supernatural creatures. Before this, he's only ever attended schools with only sea creatures. And he had nothing against that. As a shark, he loved it. But he wanted something more.

He has been begging his parents for years now if he could go there, and up until now, they refused. He wanted to go there specifically because it had one of the best swim teams in the land. And he wanted to be one of them. After years of begging, they finally agreed to send him there.

He finished putting everything into the suitcase and brought it with him to the living room. "Did you get everything you need?" His father asked him. William nodded excitedly as he dropped his suitcase next to the front door. He made his way to the living room, where his Dads were already waiting to take him there.

"You a hundred percent sure?" His dad added with a skeptical look. "I'm sure, Dad. I've got everything I need." William smiled, dropping down on the couch next to his Father. "You know you can be forgetful, and we're not gonna bring you things if you forgot anything..." His dad said sternly. "Yes, Dad..." he made his way over to Williams's luggage and started to look through it. After a few minutes, he was satisfied and let it go.

"Well then, if you're ready- what are we still doing here?" William got up happily and grabbed his bags before heading out the door. "Well then, I'll see you tonight-" His dad said back to his father. "Right - have fun." He smiled back. And just like that, he joined his son on their way to the school.

William was far ahead of his father in seconds. He didn't need his father to lead him there. He's been there many times. Almost every weekend, he would go out and swim over to the school, to look at the students there. He enjoyed it, though, although it sounded a little creepy if you thought about it for too long.

His Dad insisted he'd take him there since he was paying for the school.

But this school was his dream, and now he was on his way for real. This time, he won't come back after the sun has set. He would be staying there. "William, slow down!" He heard his dad yell from behind him. But he wasn't listening.

They reached the school a few hours later. Well, William did. His dad took a few more minutes. "Why didn't you wait for me?" His dad caught his breath as he swam up beside him. "Sorry, I was just really excited. William stared out in front of him before swimming up to the surface.

There it was, Caeleste Academy, looking like it usually did, but it felt different this time.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly, his dad came up next to him. William looked back at him. "Just looking.." He smiled. "Well, come on, we don't have all day." His dad complained before diving down again and making his way to the shore.

William followed until he couldn't get any closer to the beach. Did I mention he was a shark? Yeah? Well, he's not just a shark. He was half-human. Wouldn't it be very supernatural if he was just a shark? No, he was a little more special...

Another reason to go to the school was their classes. Specifically, the 'control' classes. Not being able to get rid of his shark half was getting a little annoying. Although he loved swimming more than anything, He wouldn't mind walking sometimes.

His dad was better at it. He quickly shifted into his human form and walked onto the beach. He let out a sigh as he was now soaked as he turned around to his son. "Are you coming?" William popped up from the water, looking at his dad. "I can't -" He said sadly.

"What do you mean you can't?" His dad complained, looking back at William. "Just get your legs and walk over here." His dad yelled back. William sank into the water a little, just his eyes peeking out.

He's only done this once, and that didn't end very well. "I know it's scary, but if you want to go to this school, you're going to have to do it." His dad was right. He can't attend school if he stays in the water all day.

he took a deep breath and did what he had to. He got his legs. There, step one was. He had them. He looked down at them nervously. Getting his legs wasn't the hard part. He could do that. The hard part was walking.

"Alright - there you go, now come on, we gotta go -" His dad encouraged him. William swam closer to shore until he almost beached himself. He got onto his knees and carefully pushed himself up onto his legs. It was so wobbly the first few steps. But the idea of getting closer to the school gave him the strength he needed: that and the support of his dad, who held him up while they walked.

William's heart beat faster with every step he took. The nerves and excitement grew inside him, and they reached the gates. As soon as they walked across the courtyard, William felt more at home.

Everywhere he looked, they were supernatural creatures all around. From dragons to werewolves. And even other sea creatures.

He pushed himself off his dad, thinking he'd look weird having to lean onto someone to walk.

His dad let go of him hesitantly, but to his surprise, William walked just fine... for the most part.

They walked into the main entrance, and William stopped for a second to admire all the details of the walls of the place held.

His dad walked up to the desk in front of them. "Excuse me, miss. I'm here to drop off my son." He said to the lady in front of him.

She looked at him confused. "Uh, who?" She looked around. Williams's dad took a second, not finding him either.

"Wha- William, what are you still doing there?" His dad yelled titrated at his son, who was still standing at the entrance. "Right, sorry."

He let out an embarrassed laugh and walked up to the desk as well.

"Name?" The woman asked as she turned around and grabbed a book from the shelves, putting it in front of William.

"William Galeo Cuvier." He said. Suddenly, the book opened and flipped to a page. Both William and his dad looked at it in amazement. Sure, magic is nothing new to them. But this was a little different from shifting into a shark.

As soon as the book had found the right page, the woman grabbed it and read the paper. "You're in room 137." She explained. "Second floor. All your books and what else you may need will be there." She closed the book and put it back on the shelves. She reached into a drawer and pulled out a key, handing it to William

They both walked away from the desk and towards the stairs. "Alright- I guess this is it then." His dad stopped before they reached the stairs. William turned around confused.

"You're not coming with me?" He asked, looking at his dad. "You're twenty-four, you can't handle this by yourself? I already came all the way here with you." His dad laughs.

"Right- Goodbye then, I guess.." William smiled as he took a step toward his dad. His dad pulled him into a hug. "Make sure you do well- this place isn't cheap." He joked. "Yes Dad, I will"

They let go of each other and soon Dad left to return home, as William made his way to his room.

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