Chapter Eighteen || Hanging Out

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"Phew- that storm wasn't easy to control-" Carter sighed as he headed inside. He didn't notice anyone in the living room until he stood beside the couch. "Oh- didn't realize you were awake." He said to Korbin. "Or that you brought friends..." he added as he spotted William.

"Yeah- well, we did just wake up so-" Korbin tried to explain in a way that wouldn't give too much away. "I'm assuming you go to Caeleste then?" Carter Asked William. "I do-" he said back.

"Well I hate to sound like one of your teachers, but you were supposed to go to your room last night-" Carter said as he walked around the kitchen. "I know I-" he tired but Korbin explained things to him.

"Does it matter- he was just as safe here as in his room." He said. "Safety isn't the concern there," Carter said as he turned on the faucet to wash his hands. "They needed everyone in their room to make sure every student was where they should be." He said back.

"I'll go back to my room then-" William said as he stood up. "That's probably a good idea-" Carter said back, not making eye contact. "Wait, no-" Korbin said, stopping William. "it's fine. And he's right. Besides, you probably Have more of those chores to do, right?" William said as he turned to Korbin.

"I- uhm-" he stuttered as he looked over at the kitchen. As soon as Carter heard it he turned to look at Korbin interested. "What chores? Since when do you have chores?" He asked, even though he knew exactly what chores William was referring to. "Well you know, I help the fly team and uh- other things-" Korbin shrugged. "I thought you also had to do-"

"There's nothing else I have to do-'" Korbin interpreted William. Who looked back at him confused. "There's no use in hiding it anymore." Carter smiled as he walked up to the couch. "I know you've been doing my work behind my back." He said. "I- you do?" Korbin asked.

"How could I not, you know people ask me about the things I do, and sometimes I get compliments about how well I did my job even if I do not know about doing said job. There was only one logical conclusion." He explained. Korbin looked back at him in silence.

"I've told you before I don't want you to be doing these things, it's my job, not yours," Carter said. "I just wanted to be useful..."Korbin shrugged. "You've done so much for me, I just want to do something to repay you." He said. "You're fine. I don't need you to repay me." They both became silent when Carter suddenly turned to William. Who, while this was all unfolding, had just been standing there awkwardly.

"You're still young, there's no need for you to be working, you should have fun."Carter sighed as he dropped onto the couch. "Now go do something fun with that friend of yours." He said gesturing to William. Krobin looked up at him awkwardly. "I-" But Carter was done with the conversation. "Just make sure to be back for dinner." He said as he leaned down into the couch cushions.

Korbin let out a sigh before walking around the couch. And after grabbing his bag he led William back outside the house. William silently followed as they stepped back outside. By now the weather was a lot better, it had cleared up completely, to the point that there were almost no clouds visible in the sky, just blue.

"Are you okay?" WIlliam asked eventually, as they reached the school. Korbin sighed as he nodded his head. "I'm fine." He said. "Are you sure?" William pushed as they walked into the halls of the school. "I am-" Korbin sighed. "So- what were your plans for today anyway?" He asked William. "I didn't have any, I was just gonna explore the school more I guess..." He shrugged.

"If you want I could show you around. I know the place pretty well." Korbin laughed. "A-Alright, that sounds fun." William smiled. "But first I want to get changed." He said as he took the lead, knowing where to go now that they were in the school. Even though Korbin was kind enough to lend him some clothes, he didn't really fit in them. "Sure." He smiled and followed William up to his room.

"Just wait here, I'll be back in a second," William said as he stopped in front of the door. After what had happened yesterday he wanted to go in alone first. Korbin nodded as he watched William disappear inside, waiting outside in the hall.

He stood in silence for a bit when a voice suddenly called out to him. "It's Bird boy-" The voice laughed. Korbin looked back to see Zake walking up to him. "I have a name." He said annoyed. "Right- " Zake said as he stopped in front of him. " Korbin right? I'm Zake." He introduced himself. He held out his hand but Korbin ignored it. There was something about this guy he didn't like very much.

"Alright then-" he said as he lowered his hand again. "What are you doing here?" He asked as he looked towards William's door. "Waiting for William. He's getting changed." Korbin said back. "Why are you waiting out here instead of in here?" He asked confused. "He told me to wait out here, he said something happened in his room last night." Korbin shrugged.

"What are you doing here?" He returned the question. "I guess the same as you."He shrugged as he put his hand in his hoodie pocket. "I was going to ask William if he wanted to hang out but it seems he already had plans." He said back with a smirk.

"I guess so," Korbin said back as Zake stood next to him. It got quiet again until the door opened again. William stepped out looking between Zake and Korbin confused. Korbin's face lit up as soon as he did. "H-Hi...?" William said as he turned to Zake. "What did I miss?" He asked, "Not much, we were just talking." Zake smirked as he turned to face William as well.

"So, what are you doing here?" William asked. "Well, someone at the swim team sorta told me your secret." He started. "What secret- there's no secret," William asked surprised, as he gazed at Korbin for a second. "Well, the one about you not knowing how to swim." He laughed. "What secret did you think I was talking about." He said with a smirk. "I- right, no nothing," William said embarrassed. "Right, well I was thinking, as the secret is out, why don't we go out and practice? Or you know, we go swimming because I'm sure you'll have no problem." He explained. "You don't know that, I could drown." William shot back. "You won't." zake said. "And if you do I'll be there to give you mouth-to-mouth." He flirted.

"Sounds great but he already has plans-" Korbin joined in. William looked back at him surprised, he had almost forgotten Korbin was there. "Yeah, he's right," William said, looking over at Zake. "Well, we could just go to the lake together, the three of us." He shrugged.

William looked back at Korbin expectedly, hoping he would agree. Going to the lake would be a good self-confidence boost as, if he did know how to swim using this form, it would be a lot less awkward on the swim team. "What do you say, bird boy?" Zake smirked.

Korbin took a breath, still annoyed by his newly required nickname. "Fine, let's go." He gave in. "Great, let me just quickly get my things then," William said before he went back into his room for a second before emerging with his back pack. "Alright then. Let's go."Zake smiled as they started making their way down to the lake again.

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