! Info !

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Hey, hey.

As you can see, i have decided to start another book! YAY.

(I haven't even finished the one im working on yet, but let's ignore that-)

This book will actually be a collaboration with a friend. We will be writing the same story, pretty much, but have different POV's.

I have a few characters, and so does she. And with the two books combined, it'll be one big story.


This book is a fantasy themed book, iver had never done this before. (Excpet wirh Wolf Bite, but that sucked), so dont expect too much from me.

My friend, on the other hand, only read/ writes fantasy books. (A lot, at least), so she will be my mentor.

I hope you all enjoy tjos book as it has already been a blast writing this.


Ps. Follow Moonchild049 for the other side of this story

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