Chapter Twelve || Getting Ready For School

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One minute William was peacefully asleep in his bed, the next everyone in the room was woken up by the loud noise of someone's alarm clock. William tried to get up only to find he couldn't, as Zake was holding Him down.

Not sure why he expected him to go home. But it made sense that he didn't. So instead William laid Back down, watching as the other woke up as well. "It's way too early~" Zodes complained before he looked over at them.

"Who's that?" Silvea whispered To William. "Who?" Zodes repeated. "H-He's... a friend," William said back, blushing. "You're very close 'friends' then, yeah?" Zodes smirked. "Well, I guess you could say that yeah-" William looked down at Zake. "So, your fuckboy?" Zodes laughed. "Yeah, that's about right," Zake answered for him, as he lifted himself, freeing William. "My name is Zake, by the way." He added. "I fucked this fish since we were back in high school."He smirked.

William let out a groan, covering his face with a pillow. "Dod you have to say it like that?" He complained. "Yes, I did, pup. And I'm not wrong so-" Zake said back. "Come, pup. It's fine." Zake said as he attempted to move the pillow, to kiss William, but William stopped him, sitting up and pushing the pillow into Zake's face as he sat. "Stop it." He said letting go of the pillow. Zake laughed as the pillow dropped onto their laugh, leaving William alone, for now.

"So are you guys done?" Silvea suddenly asked, making them look over. William nodded, his face flushed. Silvea got up, dragging Zodes into the shower with them, leaving William and Zake alone again. They sat in silence for a bit not sure what to do. "Right, we should probably get dressed," William said, before getting up. He went over to his drawers and pulled on some clean clothing. "Are you gonna go back to your room to get dressed or?" William asked as he turned around towards Zake, who was still not wearing a shirt.

"Can't you just lend me some of yours?" Zake smirked as he got up, making his way towards William. "I'm not sure they would fit you," William said back. "I've worn your clothes before, remember." He smirked as he grabbed the clothes from William. "Righ-" William blushed, looking down at Zake.

Zake took a step back as he got dressed. William forced himself to turn around and get dressed himself. "See," Zake said as he walked back up to him, dumping the sweatpants into the laundry. "I told you they'd fit." He smiled as he lifted his arms. Fit is a big word, they were still slightly too big as they covered most of his hands, even when he lifted them. "Yeah, sure. I'm starting to think you just like wearing my clothes."William said back, zipping up his hoodie.

Zake smirked as he walked closer. "That's part of it." He smirked leaning in. "I know you enjoy it too." He said grabbing William's hand. William tried his best to hide his expression, but Zake wasn't wrong. He did like it. William let out a sigh before giving in, leaning closer, and connecting their lips. He felt Zake smirk as he deepened the kiss.

Suddenly the door opened, and Zodes and Silvea walked back out. William pushed Zake back, staring at them in surprise. Why did they have to come out at this exact moment? "So let's go to our classes, yeah?" Zodes asked, ignoring what he had just seen. "Yeah, good idea-" William said back, letting go of Zake's hand, and stepping towards the door.

Before they head to class they make one more stop. "We have to make a detour so we can pick up Vasile," Zodes explained. "Who's that?" Zake asked confused, following the other two. "Just a certain vampire prince who also happens to be my boyfriend." He said back. "You have... two boyfriends?" Zake asked back. "Yeah, what about it? They know about each other, and as far as I know, they are chill with it." Zodes explained. "I'm fine with it, as long as he looks handsome," Sivea added.

"I have nothing against it, I'm just surprised." Zake defended. "And to be honest, a little jealous. You have two boyfriends, I don't even have one." He added. "You two should just date," Sivea said, looking at William and Zake. "What? No." William laughed. "He's my best friend, that would be weird." He said. "Haha, yeah, that would be weird," Zake said under his breath. "But just having sex isn't weird?" Zodes laughed. "Well, that's different." William shrugged. "If you say so, bro."

Just then they arrived at room 104. Zodes knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. But it suddenly opened on its own. They all look inside at the figure sitting in front of a mirror, brushing his hair. Why couldn't you just walk?" A man, who must have been his roommate, complains. "No," Vasile said back. "Rich people." The man rolled his eyes before walking past everyone out the door.

"Good morning, bae." Zodes said as he walked in the door, the rest following. He walked up to Vasile, kissing him. "Good morning, dear."He saidback. "I see you brought friends?" He looked over at us. "Yeah, just my roommate and his 'friend'". Zodes said, looking back at them with a smirk. "Well, I'm Vasile Vonil Isaiah." He introduces himself. "Who are you?"

"I'm Zake, this is William." He said as he walked up to Vasile. William stayed behind. Something about this man was familiar to him, but he wasn't sure what." Have we met before?" he asked. "I don't think so?' Vasile said back. "Are you sure, you look familiar?" William repeated, trying his best to remember just where he'd seen this person before.

"Did you guy fuck, or sum?" Zodes laughed. "No, I think I would remember me having intercourse with them," Vasile said back. "It's not that-" William defended, "Just- never mind." He said, giving up for now.

"You ready babe?" Zodes asked, "Yeah almost, but can you help me pick out a perfume?" Vaile said back, turning away from the mirror. "Just wear the red bottle, the one you always wear," Zodes said back. "Alright, dear." Vasile got up and put some perfume on. "Want some too dear?" He turned to William. "You'll have him crawling all over you in no time." Vasile winked at William.

William looked back at him confused, not sure what he meant. "I-I'm fine." He said. "Alright, dear," Vasile said, putting the bottle back down. "Are you sure you don't want to wear some for that bird boy?" Silvea asked with a smirk. "I-" William blushed. "I'm not sure what you're talking about-" He said back, looking away. Zake tried to look at him with a smirk. "What's this? Who is this bird boy? This is the second time someone mentioned him." He asked but William kept looking away, avoiding the question.

"Well dearies, Let's go to PE," Vasile said, breaking the silence. "Right, good idea," William added, wanting to leave more than anything at this point. "We don't wanna be late." He said heading to the door. "We're not done with this conversation," Zake whispers as he walks passed William, and out the door. He took a deep breath before following to the hallway. The other follows them.

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