Chapter Two || Roommates

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William made his way up the stairs and to his room. He looked at every door he passed. Until he found the right one. "137..." He said to himself as he checked the doors around him, ensuring he was at the right one before entering.

He looked around after putting his bags down. There were already some boxes on the bed across the room. His roommate must've already settled in. William opened his bags and started unpacking his own things.

He was just getting used to the room when suddenly a giant wolf entered. William jumped back, surprised by what he saw. He stared at the wolf briefly before it turned into a human.

"Sorry mate, I didn't mean to scare you there." The stranger laughed. "What the - How did you - What are you?" William stuttered. The man looked at him dumbfounded.

"Have you never seen a wolf before?" The stranger looked at William like he was stupid and laughed a little.

William looked back at him, scratching the back of his neck. "I- No. I haven't. I'm not exactly from... here." The stranger leaned in a bit. "Where are you from, then?" He asked with genuine interest.

"Selachi..." William said back hesitantly, He wasn't sure if people even knew where that was. "The sea realm?" The stranger asked, curious.

William nodded. The stranger thought for a second, "So you're basically a fish dude?" He asked. William looked up at him offended. "Excuse me?"

"You're part fish, right?" the stranger shrugged. Unaware that he sounded rude.

"Yeah, and you're a wolf, but you don't hear me calling you a "dog dude" now, do you?" William said back, irritated. What the hell is wrong with this guy?

He let out a laugh. "I didn't think that would offend you. I was genuinely just curious. Sorry, mate. It won't happen again. " He apologized

William let out a breath and turned back to unpacking.
"It's fine..." Suddenly, William felt a hand on his back. "Are you sure you're good, mate? A wolf can sense others emotions," The stranger asked.

William nodded, "I'm fine... I'm just a bit nervous, you know.." He said, sitting down on his bed.

"If you need help with anything or just need to talk, I'm right here, okay?" The stranger reassured him. "Thanks -"

William felt slightly better. This whole situation wasn't easy. Even though he was excited to start at this school. He was also really nervous. He has never been away from home for this long.

But this guy already seemed like a good person, so having him as a roommate wouldn't be that bad. That is until someone else walked in...

"We'll aren't I lucky two handsome guys as roommates." A voice came from the door. Both of them looked at where the sound was coming from and found a dragonlord, both looking at them with a smug look on his face.

William stared at them, too stunned to speak. "So who is this fine man?" The Dragonoid asked, making eye contact with William. He just sat there staring at the man, as his face turned bright red at the comment.

"I- uhm- William." He stuttered. "I'm Silvae," the wolf boy chimed in. "I'm Zodes," the Dragonoid introduced himself as well. "So what are you guys? Succubi?" Zodes grinned.

William lets out an awkward laugh. He leans over to Silvae, whispering: "I don't know what that is -"

"Succubi are lust demons known to be very handsome and very skilled in bed," Silvae winked at William. "oh- well, I-" He stuttered, turning even redder than thought possible.

"I'm joking, dude, even though I wouldn't be surprised if you two were." Zodes laughed. "I'm a wolf shifter." Suddenly, Silvae turned back into the same wolf as before.

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