Chapter Four || A Place To Stay

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It's been a while since Korbin had a place to call home. Not that the tents weren't fun. He had been traveling around for so long, he had forgotten what it was like to sleep in a bed.

It wasn't until he met Carter. After getting dangerously injured on one of his many adventures, Carter had taken him into his home to treat him. Carter had been living and working at Ceaseste Academy for years, so he had picked up on some things. One of those things being magic. He didn't have any magic of his own, except for his shifting abilities, as Carter was a werewolf. Luckily, he had complete control over it.

He worked at the school as a janitor and would mostly be in charge of keeping the dorm rooms safe. Having a building full of magic-wielding animal shifters wasn't a clean job. But he and the others had nothing else to do.

Carter had nursed Korbin back to health. Though he was okay to walk around, the accident had broken one of his wings, which made it hard for him to fly for a while.

After spending a month at this place, Korbin started to feel at home. Not only was it a lot of fun, hanging out with Carter. He also enjoyed the feeling of having something he could call home.

He decided to stay, helping Carter out with the work he had. He tried to apply to the school himself but he kept being turned away. But that didn't stop him from helping Carter out where he could.

That morning Korbin snuck out of his room early in the morning. He put on his clothes and grabbed his bag before making his way out of the small home. He ran through the darkness, silently making his way to the school's walls. They were about ten meter high walls, surrounding the whole building.

They were great against humans and other shifters. But for Korbin, going over it was no problem.

Of course, he could've just taken Carter's key and gone through the gates, but that wouldn't be fun.

He grabbed his bag tight and closed his eyes. The cape he was wearing flung up, as two dark, raven wings appeared on his back. His hood fell off, and he bent his knees before taking off. Quickly flying over the wall.

He landed only a few meters away from the gates he held. his breath as he made sure the guards hadn't spotted him.

When he was sure he could proceed, he put the hood back on, hid his wings, and continued walking.

Once indie the school there was no need for disguise. But now the time had come that most students were up. And he blended in just fine.

He took off his cape and stuffed it in his bag before casually walking through to the cafeteria. There, he sat down and got some of the school's breakfasts.

He grabbed his bag as he ate, taking out a sheet of paper. He'd made a habit out of stealing Carter's tasks and doing them for him.

He thought he was sneaky in doing it, but Cartner knew. He had found out a long time ago that Korbin was taking some of his work. He wanted to complain, but he also knew it made Korbin feel better about staying at his place.

He looked through, most of the tasks were like usual, some normal cleaning, and putting supplies away. But there was something different.

Among the tasks was getting a specific room ready. This made him curious. "What student is so important, his room needs to be prepared specially." He laughed to himself.

He finished his breakfast and started working down the list, spending some time in the school, cleaning up, and getting things to look neat.

He took a small break around lunchtime. The cafeteria was even fuller than before, and that's when He remembered what today was. Today was the day many new students would be arriving.

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