Frozen Trapped

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Y/N was trapped under the WWE building for thousands of years she was frozen in time. One day Dominik Mysterio and his dad Rey Mysterio went into the locker room after the match and Y/N was standing there froze and they called the WWE medical assistant and they grabbed a couple of hot water bottles and started to pour it on her and slowly she was defrosting and once she was full defrosted Dominik grabbed a towel and put it over here.

Dominik's POV
I asked her what her name was and she said Y/N and I said "that's a beautiful name for a beautiful woman" I winked at her and she brushed a little bit and I kissed her cheek and I asked how old she was and she said "Y/A" and I said I am 24 and she said "your young but cute" I smiled because that last relationship I had didn't go so good but I think I might have feelings for her even tho we just met ahe sweet and kind and beautiful and she is simply amazing and adorable I want to kiss her she just looks to cute to not be kissed right now.

Rey's POV
I saw how Dominick is acting around Y/N and I asked Dominick if he would like some time alone with Y/N in a few minutes and he said "yea'' and I said "ok" after a while after I left them alone Edge came and said "hey Rey where's Dom at?" and I said "talking to Y/N" and Edge said "wait as in Y/N Y/L/N" and I said "yea why?" and Edge said "that was my step daughter and her mom said she ran away and this is before I married Beth!" And I said "Omg edge hold on do you want me to ask Dominick if you can talk to her?" And Edge said "yes yes please" and I said "ok wait here" I knocked on the door and said "hey Dom can you come here for a second?".

Dominick's POV
And I said "yea dad what's up?" And Rey said "Y/N is Edge's step daughter and he would like to see her since he hasn't seen her for a while" and I said "oh wow yea let me go get her!" I walked up to Y/N and said "Hey sweetheart I have someone that wants to see you" and she said "who?" and Edge came in and said "me my little rockstar!" and Y/N ran into his arms and said "daddy I missed you so much!" and Edge said "me too sweetheart" and he kissed her on the head and said "I thought you ran away?" Y/N said "no mom kidnapped me and had her "Friend" take care of me and froze me in time and I don't really remember the rest" and Edge said "oh honey am so so sorry I had no idea am so sorry" and Edge hugged her and then me and my dad. I took her home to get some sleep and I knew after this me and Y/N will have a stronger bond.

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