Best friends forever

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I was giving Dominik aka my ex boyfriend his stuff back, before we started dating we were best friends we did every thing together he was my other half until Rhea started to came around and me and Rhea we were friends as well but after a while Dominick and Rhea were dating I don't know why Dominick would cheat on me he literally said he wasn't going to leave me ever and am his whole world.After a few minutes of crying I went into the bathroom and grabbed my blade from my secret hiding spot I use to cute a lot before me and Dominick started dating I placed the blade on my skin and I accidentally cut it to deep I grabbed my towel and placed it on my arm after a while I started to feel loopy.

Dominik's POV
I rang the door bell to Y/N'S house but no answer I opened the door and for some reason it was already unlocked so I called her name but still no answer so I went up to her room and I saw Y/N unconscious so I called 911 and they said they were on the way and I said ok I didn't know why she did it until I saw her notebook.

Y/N'S notebook
Dear anyone Reading this I Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N have just broken up with my boyfriend Dominik he was the best boyfriend any girl could of asked for. 4/19/2023

Dear anyone Reading this I just saw Dominik Mysterio with Rhea Ripley he was kissing her in front of me at the party I can't believe he was cheating on me what kind of man dose that and says he wants to marry you and have your babies and move in with you I don't know who my domdom is anymore. 4/18/2023

Dear anyone Reading this by the time you see this I maybe dead so you can do whatever you would like with this I don't care burn it save it throw it out of a window tear it up I don't care I mean what's the point of living when your just one more day closer to death,your more dead the alive so goodbye world see you on the other side. 5/1/2023

Dominik's POV
I was crying so much I miss her so much I should have never cheated on her she was my everything my whole world.Once the ambulance should up they took her and the one paramedic guy said "would you like to come sir?" And I said "yes please yes" so he let me in and I grabbed her hand and said am "so so so so so sorry princesa I never meant to hurt you am so sorry please come back to me".

At the hospital
Y/N had finally woke up and she said "wait what were am I?" And Dominik said "omg princesa are you ok mi amor?" Y/N said "yea am fine but what happened to me?" Dominik said "you tried to kill yourself your lucky I found you in time!" Y/N said "why should I be "lucky" you found me, I wanted to die because of you and Rhea!" Dominik said "I know I know am sorry that I ever hurt you the only reason I did that is because Seth told me you were cheating on me with Him!" Y/N said "no I never did I would never do something like that to you I promise!'' Dominik said "am so so so that I cheated on you can we please try this again and I promise to make up for everything!" Y/N said "fine but after today no more cheating and no more lieing!" Dominik said "I promise mi amor no more I love you" Y/N said"I love you too Papi" they both kissed each other and he went in her bed and cuddled with her knowing he really did still love her for now and forever.

𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 DOMINIK  MYSTERIO X READER Where stories live. Discover now