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I was driving to Dominik's and Rey's house to tell them about what happened between me and my now ex boyfriend Colby Brock (yes I added Colby because I love him) once I arrived to Doms and Rey's house I knocked on the door and I was crying while I asked Dom if I could come in and he said yea what happened Y/N/N and I said "Colby and I broke up because he cheated on me and he abused me" (I know Colby wouldn't hurt anyone) Dom and Rey both hugged me and Dom said "come with me Y/N were going to pay Colby a little visit for a second" and Rey said "Dom Dom don't you dare!" Dom didn't listen he grabbed his keys and pulled me out of the house and Rey followed us into the car and Dom started to drive until he got to the trap house and Sam answered the door and said "hey Y/N who are these people!" I was about to say something until Dom cut me off and said "who are we? Am Y/N'S best friend and my dad Rey Mysterio here about to beat the shit out of Colby tell his ass to get down here right now or are pressing charges on him for abuse" and once Colby came down from his room he ran and Dominik started to chase him and he finally caught up to him and Dominik started to beat the living shit out of Colby and Amber came down are said "baby?Colby what's going on in there?" And I said "well well well if it isn't amber I am coming to get you!"I said in my manically voice she ran back to his room and I ran upstairs and busted the door open and I said ''Come out come out were ever you are?!" I walked to the bathroom and she tried to run but I grabbed her and started to punch her in the face until I felt someone grabbed me and it was Dominik and he said "ok tiger she's done" I said "what about Colby?" And he said "don't worry I took care of him!" I said "my hero I love you Dom Dom" and he said "I love you to let's go home" but before we left I kissed him and he kissed me back and said "I always loved you,your so special to me and Y/N will you marry me?" And I said "yes yes I will marry you Dom!" I cried and he said "I been waiting to marry you for so long and I finally got to" I said "aww Dom let's go home and have a little fun" I winked at him and we left and we got home let's just say the next morning I couldn't feel my legs. Wink wink

𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 DOMINIK  MYSTERIO X READER Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant