15. Efforts For Peace

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Daimen was feeling a sharp pain in his neck. It felt like someone was sucking the life out of him. "Amber, it's hurting," Daimen cried. "That's how much it hurts when you suck blood from a living being," she scolded and then relaxed her fingers.

Slowly, the pain Daimen felt relieved, and he panted. "You guys go on sucking the blood out of someone's veins like it's nothing and then chill out, but do you have any idea how much it hurts your victim?" she mocked him. "Why is it so necessary for you witches to hate on vampires? Why don't you hate dragons, demons, or werewolves so much?" he shouted.

"We witches hate dragons and demons equally like you dumb fools, and we don't hate werewolves because they don't go on a killing spree like you bastards," she screamed.

"That's where you are wrong, Amber Conell. Unlike the demons and dragons, we vampires need to feed on someone so that we can survive. Dragons and Demons are naturally evil, but we vampires do have feelings, we vampires do care about people, and even we do have a family. If you will just consider the evil ones, then my dear, there are many evil humans as well—terrorists, mass murderers, and so on. If you judge a creature by the criteria of how many people they kill, then humans will surely be on top. And like you guys need food to survive, we need blood, that's our food, and without drinking blood, we will surely die. We don't go on a killing spree out of a mood or just because we are evil. We go and kill people or animals just because that's what's needed for us to survive. It's part of the basic food chain," he shouted as he explained everything.

"Well, blood is made available in abundance in blood bags, why don't you guys drink from it?" Amber rolled her eyes. "Do you guys and humans remain healthy after consuming frozen food?" Daimen cross-questioned. Amber shook her head.

"Then why the fuck do all so-called saints or saviors think that we vampires, as predators, are evil?" he taunted. "We just do whatever is necessary for our survival, and doing that isn't evil, that's life," he rolled his eyes and sat on the bench.

Amber thought about Daimen's situation. His words were true, and she could feel it. She did feel that the hate others had for vampires was way too much, although justified. "At least you can be considerate to the one who always stays beside you," she sighed. "Who? Kate?" Daimen asked while looking at Amber. Amber nodded. "Huh," he chuckled at her response.

"She wanted to fulfill her mean girl fantasy by dating her professor. I didn't even look at her in the beginning, but she wanted me at any cost, by hook or by crook. And when she saw me feeding off someone else, she was the one to put the condition so that she could have me. She chose her fate by enslaving herself at her own fucking will. She is getting what she deserves. I do not love her, so why should I think about her?" he mumbled. "I know she did that, and honestly, it's completely her fault. I am at your side for this one reason, but," she paused. "But?" Daimen raised his eyebrows.

"For once, look at her. What she has become. You guys told me that she was once one of the most popular girls in college, but now no one even looks at her. She listens to everything you tell her to do, bears every pain you give her, and even becomes your personal blood bag. Now when you know how much it hurts, she feels the pain twice a day, just so she can keep you happy. Think about everything she does for you and then think, the way you treat her for one mistake, is it justified?" Amber asked.

"Nobody remembers the thousand good deeds you do; they remember your one mistake or bad deed and mock you forever for that," he shrugged. Amber looked at Daimen. She didn't have anything to say. She quietly sat on the bench beside Daimen.

After half an hour of silence, Daimen finally spoke, "Okay, I will try to be a good person in front of Kate. I will try to be considerate about her and care for her as much as I can. I will try to get better." Amber was surprised; she instantly looked at Daimen. "But I have a condition," he spoke. "What condition?" Amber asked.

"You, you strong woman, you will be my friend. You will help me to become a better person for Kate, and you will not judge me for my past deeds, and I will try my best to not disappoint you," he looked at Amber. Amber was surprised and equally pleased by this sudden change in Daimen. She smiled. "I accept your condition," she spoke. Daimen smiled back.

End of Flashback

Kate had tears in her eyes; she felt extremely guilty about whatever she had done in the past. She hugged Daimen and started crying. "I am sorry, I am so so sorry. I promise I will make it up to you," she sobbed.

Daimen was surprised, Kate hugging him in such a way and then crying in his arms, it moved him. He was surprised as he didn't know how to react. He just caressed her hair and let her cry as long as she wanted.

"Thank you, Amber. This woman here might have done many wrong things to have me, but I cannot deny the way she is dedicated to me. You showed me the positives, and from now on, I will try my best to give this little human whatever she deserves," Daimen thought within himself as he hugged Kate.

Amber was in complete mess; her mind, her heart was in complete turmoil as she couldn't figure out what to do. The mess in her room clearly depicted the mess her head was in. She was stuck between the two most important things in her life: her family or duties and Brian. She wanted to fulfill her duties as a queen, but at the same time, she didn't want to leave Brian behind. She wanted to stand by him as well.

"I can't," she panted as she sat on her bed. "I can't figure out anything, I can't keep calm. I feel like I am losing myself," she cried. That's when her eyes fell on a few of her mystical ornaments. She suddenly got an idea. "Magic, I can do magic to calm my mind. I can do it," she sighed. Among all the chaos, if there was one thing that gave Amber eternal peace, it was MAGIC, and that's what made her one of the strongest witches—her craving for peace while she did magic.

On the other side, the spell on Brian, which put him to sleep, slowly faded away. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings. He immediately got up. "How did I sleep?" he murmured as he looked all around. He found something weird. "Amber," he sighed.

Brian immediately got up and ran towards Amber's room. "I was talking to Amber, and then I cried. I have never slept while I cry, so how was it possible this time? How have I slept even when there was a person who sat beside me?" his mind was full of questions. He stopped and stood quietly outside Amber's room.

Brian noticed himself; all of a sudden, he felt good. It felt like the weight on his chest was lifted, the guilt and the pain he felt were no more. He felt happy and at peace for the first time. "I feel so good now," Brian told himself. "It must be because I shared all of my pain with her," he smiled as he thought about Amber. "I should thank her for being here by my side," he sighed and turned towards Amber's room.

As he was about to knock, he heard some weird enchanting, like someone was casting some kind of spell. He couldn't understand what the words meant, but he understood it was some enchanting. "What is she doing?" Brian thought within himself, a bit confused.

But then, he took a deep breath and opened the door of the room to get a sudden shock. "Amber," the words came out of his mouth as he was in complete disbelief.

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