23. Her Sacrifice

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As soon as Brian heard it, he was shocked. "What? You are going to leave the throne?" He immediately asked her. "Yes, I am going to do that," Amber calmly replied. She had a smile on her face and Brian was completely shocked as he looked at her.

"What rubbish are you saying, Amber? Why would you do that? Why would you leave the throne? No no, you can not do this. You can not leave the throne for which you were born. You can not leave it for me, Amber, you just can't," Brian spoke. He couldn't believe that she decided to do that.

Brian thought that she was leaving everything she inherited for him. Her throne, her people and everything just because she loved him. Guilt consumed him and it felt like he would choke himself in that guilt. "No Amber, you cannot do this. You cannot leave your people for the sake of love. We haven't met each other even a year ago and they are with you since your birth. You cannot leave them, you cannot deny your duties, not for me Amber," he almost cried.

"Brian," Amber looked at him in surprise. Brian immediately went close to him and held her arms. "Amber, listen to me. Look at me," he looked at her confused face. "I love you and I will keep on loving you no matter what. If you were a simple human just like me I would have still loved you. If you are the queen of witches, I will still love you, baby, trust me," he softly spoke and Amber looked at him.

"But my love cannot snatch you away from your people Amber. I can't take you away from the other witches, your duties and your responsibilities. If I do that, my love would be tagged as selfish love and I am not selfish nor my love is. Understand that please. Don't do it. Don't give up on everything just because of me. Please do not. I beg you, Amber," he almost cried.

"Brian, Brian, listen to me," Amber tried to calm him down, but Brian wasn't in the mood to calm down. "Amber, I love you enough to let you go. Please understand that. I can let you go, baby, I can let you marry that Emanuel because it's your duty and responsibility. But even after that, I will still love you. My love is that strong baby," Brian cupped her face. He had tears in her eyes.

"Oh shut up Brian!" Amber immediately snapped as she distanced herself from him. "Enough of all this, enough of glorifying your love. It's just enough," she shouted. Brian surprisingly looked at her.

"I do not believe the concept of I love you enough to let you go. I do not believe it. But I do believe in the concept that if you love someone, be gutsy enough to fight for your love. Do anything to keep your love by your side. Fight the entire world for your love, because love is such a strong emotion. Do anything you can do to stay together, that's what I believe," she firmly spoke.

"And secondly, I am not leaving my duties and responsibilities just because I love you and I want to be by your side forever. I am leaving it for me, for my happiness and my life," Amber spoke. Brian confusingly looked at her. "What do you mean?" He asked.

Amber smiled in pain and sat there on the ground. Brian as well sat beside her. "You know, the day I entered University is the first day I stepped out in the real world. Before that, I used to live with my Coven and the Luna wolves who used to live together. I never got out of that place, and so on my eighteenth birthday, I decided to see this real world, meet with people other than the ones I have seen since birth," she chuckled.
"When I arrived at this university, spent a few days here, met new people, saw new things, I realised that I was missing on so many things. Maybe I even missed on myself. Back at home, my grandma, mom and dad always ordered me what to do and what not. With whom to be friends and with whom I shouldn't talk. They always told me that I am their future queen so I have to behave like it. I have to follow those protocols and stuff like that. I even had a fixed time of meeting my friends. I was so much consumed by all this, by the protocols, my duties and responsibilities that I thought this is my life. I have nothing else to survive for, so I should be happy in this, and then I started to remain happy. I felt happy while fulfilling my duties and making my parents happy. I thought that's the greatest blessing of my life," she spoke. Although she was smiling, but her smile, her eyes depicted an unconventional amount of pain.

"But the day I arrived here, I felt something different, something unusual, something beautiful. For the first time, I wasn't bound by protocols, duties or responsibilities and it made me feel so light, so happy. I felt like I can conquer the world if I am like this. I had no boundaries, I didn't have to think about whom to talk to and whom not. I didn't have to think before dancing or singing whenever I want. I can eat whenever I want, whatever I want. I can go wherever I want and do whatever I want. I can live my life to the fullest. I can... I do not have to think about what will my people think about me, and it made me feel, it made me feel so good. I felt alive Brian, I felt like I am happy and really living my life. I felt what it feels to live for yourself, and all of this, all of this is what I didn't even know I yearned for. All of this is so good, so beautiful Brian," she poured her heart out. She smiled and anyone could sense her happiness in her face, in her words. It felt like she wanted to say many things but right now she was out of words, yet she was so happy.

Brian could sense her happiness, whenever she spoke whatever she felt, he felt his heart fill up with warmth and happiness. He felt each and every word she spoke.

"But then," Amber's expressions suddenly changed, she frowned. "I met Emanuel, the guy who claimed to be my suitor, my husband. He claimed me in our first meet, and he wasn't even considerate about me or my feelings. He just ordered me like I am his slave. I do not want to be with such a toxic man. No matter what it takes. I cannot live my life with such a man," she spoke with a sheer pain in her heart.

"I rushed to my room and immediately called mom. I told her about Emanuel and his behaviour. Do you know what she replied?" Amber looked at Brian with tears in her eyes.

"She told me, that grandma has chosen him for me and so he is the perfect suitor for me. She told me that according to the rituals and law, I should marry one of the most powerful warlocks before I am crowned as a queen. She told me that I shouldn't snap so much because whatever grandma is doing is necessary. In fact, I should meet him and get to know him, I should fall in love with him," she cried.
"I mean what the hell? I do not even feel comfortable near him, how can she expect me to fall in love with him? She is my mother Brian, she couldn't even understand what is right for her daughter? She couldn't even understand that I will not be happy with him, he is not the right guy. Instead, she ordered me to fall in love with him, accept him as he is and mould myself in his ways. Is this even right?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

"Even my mother is so much blinded by the protocols and the crown that she couldn't even notice or care about the happiness of her daughter? How can I live with that Brian?" She cried. Brian tried to calm her down.

"Amber, calm down. Please, do not cry," he tried his best to console her. Amber at first cried bitterly but after some time, she finally consoled herself and wiped her tears. She took a deep breath and looked at Brian. She cupped his face.

"But now, I have you, Brian. And with you, I have got the motivation I needed to fight for myself. Right now, I have your love and I do not need anything else in this entire world. I do not even need my parents who care about the throne and protocols more than me," she spoke.

"Thus, I have decided to Sacrifice my identity for your love. I want to create a new identity, with you by my side. An identity for which I am known for, which I have earned. I do not want an identity I was forced onto during my birth. So, I do not want to be the queen anymore. I am sacrificing the throne," she spoke with determination.

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