40. She Has A Sacrifice To Make

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"Brian is alive..." Amber repeated the goddess' words. "Yes," the witch goddess replied.

Tears rolled down through Amber's eyes as soon as she listened realised that. This was the first time in these fifteen days when Amber's eyes turned moist and she cried. "Brian is alive... Brian is alive..." She looked here and there as she repeated those words.

She couldn't get a hold of her emotions. She couldn't understand whether she would cry, or be happy or feel any other emotions. She looked here and there, tried her best to get a hold of any emotion she felt. She panicked. She started to have a breakdown.

"Brian... Brian..." She called his name as she looked here and there before kneeling on the floor. She clutched her hairs and screamed, finally letting her emotions flow. She cried, she cried bitterly, letting out all the pain she felt all at once. She kept on crying, howling and panting. While the witch goddess observed all of her actions.

Amber's cries could be observed by the nature as well. Although the witch goddess appeared in her imagination as she was lying unconscious in the woods, nature could feel the agony she felt. After fifteen long days of dry winds blowing at an inconsiderable speed, it finally began to rain. As Amber's tears rolled through her eyes, rain began to pour down throughout the entire forest. Nature responded to her pain as well, but along with that, it also prepared for the consequences of her actions.

After crying for quite a while, Amber turned towards the Goddess as she wiped her tears. "Where is Brian? I want to meet him. Take me to him please," she pleaded. The Goddess smiled, "I will," she replied, "but before that, you need to see something," she told her. "What?" Amber questioned. "Close your eyes," she replied. Amber immediately followed and closed her eyes. The witch goddess smiled and then snapped her fingers.

"Open your eyes, Amber," the voice of Goddess echoed and Amber quietly opened her eyes. As soon as she opened her eyes, she was astonished. She looked here and there in confusion but it seemed like she couldn't get a hold of it. It seemed like she was in a vast blank space which was completely black in colour.
She looked here and there, took a few steps just to figure it out, but she couldn't understand anything.

"What's this? Are you playing some games?" Amber shouted, finally being unable to figure out anything, "take me to Brian, or else you will have to face consequences," she threatened the goddess. "Look carefully Amber, the place you are in is a place where no one other than you can enter, it's a very familiar place as you have recently spent fifteen days here, it's the same, just the colour has changed," the voice of the Goddess echoed.

As Amber heard that, she immediately realised where she is in. "My subconscious," she spoke as she realised it was her subconscious. She looked here and there and then observed the darkness present everywhere. "It's black here," she was taken aback by the darkness.

If your subconscious is pure white, it depicts that you are pure and innocent from within. You have done nothing wrong yet in your life, nor have you offended the goddess of magic by using your magic in the wrong way. You are a pure angelic soul, which means your subconscious will help you in boosting your power. But if your subconscious is pure black, you are demoniac in nature which means you have committed enough sins to offend the goddess and now the only way of your salvation is immense redemption, or else, you will live an eternity of your afterlife, suffering extremely.

The moment Amber realised that her subconscious has turned black due to her actions, she remembered whatever she has done in these fifteen days. She has killed eighty per cent witches of her coven, slaughtering her own kind whom she was meant to protect, those vampire hunters, the werewolves, the other witches. Most of them were innocent and killing an innocent is a grave sin. She has killed numerous innocent people, committing grave sins and thus turning her subconscious state of mind entirely black.

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