34. Dealing With Daimen

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"Mikael," Daimen gulped as he saw him. The fright in Daimen's eyes was evident.
"Wait a minute? Do you guys know each other?" Emanuel raised his eyebrows.

Mikael chuckled. "I have met him, 10 years ago, I was about to kill him, but he escaped," he spoke as he looked deep into Daimen's eyes. "Woah! Which means you will be able to kill him now? Your 10 year old incomplete deed will get completed now?" Emanuel excitedly asked. "Yes," Mikael evilly smiled.

"You can't kill me, not now, not in the future, I won't be killed by you, Mikael," Daimen spat directly on Mikael's face. Both of them, Mikael and Emanuel grinned and then burst out into laughter. Daimen got confused as he saw them laughing. "Do you have any idea? What's going on? You don't na?" Emanuel laughed.

"What do you mean?" Daimen angrily asked. Emanuel laughed. "Your beloved Amber, we have put her into a deep sleep," Emanuel mocked. "So?" Daimen replied.
"So, Basically, this is a magical coma. I think you know how magical coma works but still, I am reminding you again," Emanuel smirked.

"So, Amber has been in a magical coma from the very next day she went from here. On the fourteenth day of a magical coma, or even medical coma, the hope, that the person will wake up vanishes, which means the person is considered dead, even if the person is still alive. So yeah, today is the fourteenth day, although she will wake up tomorrow, on the fifteenth day, she will be considered dead today, which means, the protection spell which she has cast on you guys, by bonding your blood with hers will be now lifted. This means, you, and her beloved lover, both are vulnerable now. You guys will be easy to kill," Emanuel laughed as he explained everything to Daimen.

As soon as Daimen got a hold of Emanuel's plans. He was frightened. He looked here and there, tried to get out of the magic spell Emanuel had put onto him but was unable to do it. He seemed like a fish who is agonized when it finds itself out of water. Emanuel and Mikael laughed seen Daimen like this.

Daimen's POV

Oh my God! These bastards have planned something so big. They will destroy everything. They will destroy Amber's sanity. If she gets to know that Brian has been killed, she will unleash hell on earth. She will torment each living being on this planet.

No, I have to stop them, I have to save them. I can't let Brian or Kate die. What's their fault? Just that they fell in love with supernatural beings? No, they can't die. I can't let them die anyhow. I will have to save them, I will have to protect them.

Why God? Why are you so insensitive? Just because a girl fell in love with a beast like me, she will have to die? Just because a boy fell in love with a queen, he will be tormented to death? Is this fair? Is loving someone so wrong that lovers need to be punished? You can't do this God, you can't let these bastards win.

I am ready to die, but I have to do something, I have to assure that my death protects Kate and Brian. I will have to pull this out till tomorrow, I will have to somehow manage it. Just till the time, Amber wakes up from her magical coma. I can do that, I will definitely do that.

POV Ends

"So Mikael, let's start the game? We have one entire day, and three people to kill," Emanuel smirked.
Emanuel's words pulled Daimen away from his deep trail of thoughts. "So Emanuel, I think you don't want to be a king? Or Mikael, you want to be demoted to a predator from the saviours. Although you both are sinister, but now you guys really want to do some sins," Daimen smirked.
"What do you mean?" Emanuel asked. "Killing two innocent humans, it is a sin for the saviours," Daimen smiled.

Emanuel and Mikael looked at each other. They somehow knew that they can't kill Kate or Brian as they are pure and innocent humans. It frustrated them. Mostly it frustrated Emanuel because he knew that Amber loved Brian. And now he can't kill him. "Yeah, but we can for sure kill you, Daimen," Emanuel snapped.

Daimen angrily glared at Emanuel and Mikael. Emanuel checked the time, he then calculated the time for when the magic protection will be lifted. As the time arrived, Emanuel smirked. "It's time," he told Mikael.

Mikael evilly smiled and then took out a wooden stake. As Daimen noticed the stake, he was frightened. He closed his eyes. He focused very deeply on something.

"Hey, Amber. I am channelising my entire powers so that this message can reach to you. I am sorry, I am extremely sorry, Amber. I couldn't keep my promise. I am unable to protect Brian. These guys, Emanuel and Mikael, will kill me and after that, they will kill Kate and Brian as well. But I won't give up. I will fight till my last breath. If you don't hear from me next, consider that they have ripped away everything you love from you, and I failed to keep my promise, I failed to protect them. I am sorry and goodbye," Daimen teleported this message to Amber before finally opening his eyes.

Mikael smirked, "Goodbye, Daimen. Rot in hell," he spoke before stabbing him directly in his heart. But soon, all three of them were shocked, although the stake reached near his heart, it didn't penetrate his skin. Both of them were shocked as hell and looked at each other. Daimen let out a mild smile of relief.

Mikael tried his best to stab him again so that the stake could penetrate his skin. But although he gave in his full strength, he was unable to kill him, or even injure him.

"What's happening?" Emanuel asked Mikael in confusion. "I don't know, I am unable to penetrate into his skin," he replied in confusion. "There is no way that Amber's spell is still in effect," Emanuel spoke. "Then how?" Mikael looked at Daimen in confusion.

Daimen led out a victorious smile. That's when Mikael realised something. He immediately pulled Daimen by his collar, "tell me you bastard, when was the last you killed someone?" He asked angrily. Daimen smirked. "I don't know, but I am sure, that I have killed no one in this one year," he replied with a mischievous smile.

Mikael got up and then turned towards Emanuel. "I can't kill him," Mikael replied. "What? Why?" Emanuel asked in shock. "Because he hasn't killed anyone in past one year," Mikael replied. "I do not get it," Emanuel replied but then looked at the time, "but first of all, tie him with the ropes, my freezing spell will now be lifted in any time," he concluded. "Okay," Mikael replied and then went on to tie Daimen with the ropes.

The ropes were bound by a magical spell due to which any Vampire can't break out of it. Also, the ropes would give immense pain to the vampire it tied. As Daimen was tied by the ropes, he screamed in pain. It hurt him as much as a rope filled with thorns would hurt a human.

"Now tell me what do you mean?" Emanuel asked Mikael. "A vampire hunter can't kill a vampire who hasn't killed a single human for at least one year as that vampire isn't considered a threat to mankind. So a vampire hunter shouldn't eradicate him," Mikael replied. "Which means Daimen can't be killed right now by you?" Emanuel asked. "Yes," Mikael replied.

"But we have just a day with us. As Amber will wake up tomorrow, the protection spell will be imposed on them again," Emanuel was frustrated. "Well, I can't do anything," Mikael replied.

Emanuel roamed here and there in frustration, thought about something. Suddenly, something stuck in his mind, "What if he kills someone right now? Then can you kill him?" He asked. "Yes, I can," Mikael replied. "Cool, then wait for me, and till the time, I come here, give him immense pain," Emanuel ordered him and walked out of the room.

Mikael looked at Daimen. He was in immense pain. He was not in a state to understand or do things. He just cried and panted.

Within five minutes, Emanuel returned with someone.
"And I am back," he spoke with an evil smirk on his face. "Daimen, my dear, look here," he mocked Daimen.

Daimen raised his eyes and was immediately shocked and scared. "Kate."

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