38. Unleashing The Beast Within Her

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"You guys aren't my family, you are my culprit, and I won't forgive you or spare you. You will have to pay the price for whatever you guys have done," she screamed and walked away.

After walking a few more steps in the wood, a giant black wolf appeared in front of Amber. She rolled her eyes. "Lucas," she sighed. Soon the wolf began to change its shape, shrinking in size and elongating its body. Within a few minutes, the black wolf transformed into Lucas.
"Why are you here Lucas?" Amber questioned, she sounded angry. "I just want to talk to you," he tried to explain himself. "What do you guys have to talk about? After jeopardizing my entire life?" she shouted.

"Amber, it isn't what it looks like, please try to understand us, we are your friends and family." Lucas held her shoulders.
"Friends and family? Hah!!" she scoffed, "Well then my friends and family are hell-bent on destroying my life, stripping off every inch of happiness I have had in my life." she yelled.
"Amber, I am your best friend, you have to got to trust me." Lucas sighed.

"Trust you?" she screamed. "Will it bring him back to me? Will it make me happy again with him?", she questioned to which Lucas lowered his head. "You don't have an answer, Lucas?" she questioned.
Lucas couldn't answer anything more. He just lowered his head and kept quiet. Amber scoffed. She felt like banging his head in the wall. She was feeling angry and pained at the same time. She couldn't figure out how to react or what to say. She wanted to cry and vent out all of her pain, but the anger she felt, didn't let her cry. She was just walking away from everything.

"You know what? You guys are the exact opposite of what you guys pretend to be. You, my family, my friends, my coven, your entire pack, and all those other ones who pretend to be on our side. You guys are just made to strip out someone's happiness and life," Amber shouted. "You should find your mate Lucas, there is no use of you wandering around me, so please don't.", Amber smirked and walked away from there. While Lucas shredded tears while sitting there.

At Present,

Lucas and Derek returned home. As they crossed through the neighbourhood, they looked around to get a hold of the catastrophe Amber had created. The place looked like a war zone. Dead bodies of hundreds of witches lied there, while a few of the witches who were left alive cried and hovered over the bodies of their loved ones. The flowers, trees had dried up. The place looked gloomy and dark. Everything positive, everything good had left the place and the only remains was darkness, pain and sorrow. Amber had created havoc on the coven. She really did unleash hell on the earth.

Derek couldn't walk anymore. He saw the dead bodies and he trembled. He fell down on the ground and started crying bitterly. "Why did this happen? Why?" He howled and cried. Lucas held Derek and somehow tried to console him, that's when two of the witches, who sat near the dead bodies of their family members, came towards him.

"We pledged everything to the queen so that she would protect us and our families. We were her people. But your family, especially both the queens, they ripped us apart from our families. One of them is dead, but your daughter is alive, I curse her, that she will suffer from an immeasurable amount of pain. She will suffer from the pain of losing her loved ones, she will not get any kind of happiness, she will just suffer," the witch cursed.

Lucas looked at the witch and he chuckled. "Well, that's the thing about pain. When your family, your loved ones got killed, you lose your sanity, you are crying and howling and after that, you are cursing her. Well, she did, Amber did lose her loved ones, she lost someone whom she loved more than herself, and the one to kill her was her own family. So the feeling you are feeling right now, it's the exact same feeling Amber is feeling, and that's why her pain brought this doom upon us. So think twice before cursing anyone," Lucas tried his best to protect her.

"Alpha Lucas," the witch shrugged, "if we are in pain, that never means we will give the same pain to others, especially the innocent ones because if we do that, it makes us a heartless beast, and that's what Amber has become right now, a heartless beast," she spoke and then walked away from there.

Well pain, it's just a five-letter word. But the impact it has, it's immeasurable. No one else can understand the intensity of someone's pain, even if you suffered the same tragedy. Everyone loses their loved ones, and yes everyone feels an extreme amount of pain. But we can never say, that the pain two people felt was the same. Maybe, one felt it more than the other. That person felt the pain so much that he lost himself in that pain, he lost sanity, it had a psychological on him, which made him lose that persons mental balance, it changed him as a person, maybe he forgot to smile and live life, the intensity of pain he felt was so much intense. And if we see around us, it happens, it always happens. But it doesn't make the other person's pain any less. It's just, just something so complicated and delicate thing to deal with that many doesn't even have any idea about how to deal with it.

Amber felt pain. She loved a guy she just met a year ago. A sad, simple, gloomy human. But she loved him so deeply that she was ready to sacrifice everything just to be with him. She was the future queen of witches, she was extremely powerful, she had her family. But her love for the guy, it was so deep and pure she didn't even care for the crown or power or her family. That's how much she loved Brian.

But when the realisation hit her, that the person she loved so dearly, so intensely is no more. It broke her, it gave her immense pain. The pain was so much to tolerate that she couldn't even cry or shed tears. She couldn't even care about her people. It made her a dark soul, it unleashed her dark side. And with that dark side, all she wanted was to destroy the world where her love didn't exist. She wanted to end it all.

Amber kept on walking in the woods for two good days, without even stopping for a second. She didn't look around, she didn't think about anything else. She just walked to an infinite number of miles and in her head, there was just one thing going on.
"These people are no good. My own people, who claim to be the saviours took him away from me. They killed him, and now, I will kill them all. I will kill till the last one of the saviours is alive," she reminded herself.

After walking for a more couple of hours, she reached in front of a house. She looked at that house and walked towards it. As she reached in front of the house, she knocked on the door.

Soon, someone opened the door and as that person saw Amber, he was shocked. "Amber," he sighed. "Mikael, the vampire hunter," Amber looked at him with an evil smile.
"Amber, what are you doing here?" Mikael's voice trembled in fear. "So you are the one who killed Daimen?" She asked, with an evil angry smirk on her face. "Yes... Yes... I am a vampire hunter, it's... It's my job," his voice stammered as he choked.

"Now you die," Amber yelled in anger which set Mikael on fire. She chuckled as she saw Mikael screaming in pain as he was burning. She put the entire house on fire, turned around and then walked away with a victorious smile on her face, while the house along with Mikael burned to ashes over the next couple of minutes.

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