31. Lies and Rituals

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"Can't come inside? Why?" Amber was shocked. "It's just that, I have some work," Lucas lied. "What kind of work is more important than your best friend Lucas?" She rolled her eyes. "There is work which is important than you, Amber. I am the alpha of my pack, so my pack is my priority," he replied in a but rude tone.
"Okay, okay," Amber tried to calm him down, "but why are you snapping at me?" She asked. "No it's nothing," Lucas shrugged. "Okay fine, I will meet you later now," she spoke with a smile and then entered her house.

As soon as she entered the house, Lucas frowned. "I am sorry Amber, but these people are not good. They are going to rip you off your happiness," he spoke in a low tone and went from there.

On the other hand, as soon as Amber crossed the door of her house and entered the house, she felt something off. She didn't felt the vibe of the house right. It was getting on her nerves and she felt uncomfortable. "Why am I not getting good vibes," Amber thought. "Oh God, please keep Brian safe," she prayed to God.

She entered her room and then saw a book on the table. She at first was confused as she looked at the book. "What book is this," she spoke as she went on to pick the book up.
She opened the book, and was surprised to find out that this is the book which is about HOW CAN A QUEEN UNLEASH HER FULL POWERS?

"The future queen hasn't unleashed her full powers yet. She may or may not be the official queen and sit on the throne. But that will not change that she will remain the most powerful witch ever. That's something she is born with and nobody can snatch it away from her, it's her treasure. She may face many hurdles and troubles before being crowned as the Queen, so in order to fight with it, she should unleash her full powers. A future queen must always know that the previous queen is always stronger than her before she does this.

There are many myths related to a queen which are accepted as truth in order to keep the coven and its people alive. The first myth is that the queen needs to marry a warlock before marriage so that she can unleash her full powers and then enjoy the throne. This myth is followed because a queen successor needs to be a witch more powerful than her which is only possible if she marries a powerful Warlock and procreates with him. This has nothing to do with her throne and her full powers, it's just a future precaution. She can easily unleash her full powers with a meditative ritual and be the queen.

The second myth says that a queen must turn twenty one before she is crowned. This is also a myth as she can claim the crown even when she is a five-year-old girl. The only criteria necessary for becoming a queen is that she should be able to channelize her full strength for which twenty one is considered as the ideal age. Whereas in reality, situations can make her channelize her powers even at the age of five.

So in reality, a queen is all-powerful and all prevailing. She does not need anyone to be the queen. She is born with all the qualities and requirements of the queen. She is not the one who is bound to the rules and regulations and she is the one who can make or break the rules. She is the queen, the prophecy. She is not bound to anyone instead everyone else is bound to her.

This book tells you about the auspicious ritual a future queen must follow to unleash her full powers"

As Amber read the first page, she was completely shocked and she felt devastated. "So this means I am not breaking any rules, I was being lied to since birth. My family, my coven, my elders, they always lied to me, they always fed me these lies for their own benefit. Why would they do that to me?" she almost cried but then, she got a hold of herself in the very next moment and started reading the next pages of the book.

As she was reading the book, someone was watching her reading it while remaining hidden from her. That, someone, was none other than Angela. She smiled as she read that book.

Angela's POV

I do not have much idea what will mom do to you, Amber. But you are my daughter, and I do not want you to suffer. For the first time, I am going against the will of the present queen, just for the sake of my daughter, for you Amber. Because right now, you and your life are what that matters to me the most. This book will guide you through all the truth that you needed to know. You do not need to leave or sacrifice this throne to be happy my child, because this throne isn't the thorn in your life, instead, it's your best shot for your free will, for having your love and for everything you want. You do not need Emanuel to be the queen, you are not bound to marry him or compromise with everything for that. I am sorry that I didn't tell you this earlier, and that's why I am here to rectify my mistakes before it's too late. Your grandma is your biggest enemy right now and you will have to fight with her. I have no idea about what she is planning and I am unable to figure it out. You will have to do it all by yourself. This is your war and you will have to fight it, Amber. All the best and I love you

POV Ends

Angela quietly stared at her daughter reading the book and learning whatever she needed to learn. While Amber passed the entire night reading the entire book.

The next morning,

Amber woke up, got ready and went towards the main gate. As she was about to step out of the house, she saw that an invisible boundary like something stopped her from going out. "What the hell?" She cursed. That's when Clara arrived there.

"Where do you want to go Amber?" She asked in a loud voice. Amber immediately turned towards Clara. She was angered by the revelations of the book, but she somehow managed to keep her calm. "I needed to meet Lucas and I wanted to call my friends in college. As there is no network in this house, so I decided to go out," she bluntly replied. "Well my child, you can't go out," Clara spoke while unnecessarily softening her tone.

"Why?" Amber was shocked. "Because the witches and the warlocks of the coven are angry at you because you have decided to leave the throne. They can harm you, Amber. That's why I have put a boundary spell in this house so that you and your mom dad cannot go out. I did this to keep you safe," she calmly replied. "This is bullshit," Amber snapped, but then kept her calm and looked at Clara.

Clara smiled. "We should start the ritual now, Amber. Go to your room, have a bath and then come to my room. We shall start the ritual," she spoke. "Fine," Amber rolled her eyes and went to the room.

"I know grandma, this ritual is something else. But I want to know what is this ritual, that's why I am giving in or else, you would have paid the price," she thought as she walked towards her room.

Amber took a bath, got ready and then reached to her grandma's room as she was told. She was surprised after seeing the setup of the room. A giant star was drawn with some white powder, which was then encircled by giant candles and there were roses which were full of thorns kept there on a certain shape. Amber was stunned by this setup but she kept her calm and walked in.

"Amber, come in and sit inside the centre of the star," Clara spoke. Amber nodded and then looked angrily at her parents and grandma who were present there. She sat inside the star and closed her eyes. Clara smiled evilly and then started enchanting a spell.

On the other side, Brian was trying to contact Amber by making a call but her phone was unreachable. He was scared and concerned. He immediately called Daimen.

"Hello," Daimen picked the call. "Professor, I can not contact Amber. I am scared for her. It feels like something is very wrong," Brian cried. "Hey Brian, calm down okay? She will be all right, do not get worried, and let me think about something to contact her," Daimen tried his best to calm him down.

While at Amber's home. Clara was powerfully chanting spells that were echoing all around the room. After some time, Amber started to feel dizzy and within no time, she fell unconscious on the ground.

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