A new hero enters the simulation

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(before this chapter begins Levi is based off of me who has autism)

also there will be language such as neurotypical and neurological disorder. Neurotypical is when someone is born without a disorder affecting their brain  (not a defective brain if you have a disorder, it's just like it's been wired in a different way, does all the same stuff just differently) and a neurological disorder is a disorder effecting the brain.

(Levi's pov)

I was the only person it seemed who remembered them. It hurt my very soul and people called me insane or crazy after I told them about this creator they knew them before that stream, they also loved his content, the funny jokes, the lore streams. Now they laugh and mock me, calling him nothing more than an imaginary friend. Was I going crazy?

No, No they were real, very very real. I know it. I have one of their jackets so it must be real. I need to remember them. 

Luckily I had downloaded some of my favourites of their videos and livestreams, every time I felt like I was forgetting, I would rewatch those and remember, seeing my username pop up im his chat. He even said happy birthday to me once. I swirled around in my spin chair and decided to go take a walk. I popped in my earbuds, turned on some lemon demon music and went on my way. I walked for about two hours when I heard it.

Because of my autism I have heightened senses. Neurotypicals can't hear the sounds of outside with these earbuds but I can. I heard the sound of heavy work boots following me, new work boots judging by the loudness of the sound. I turned around sharply and suddenly a hand was on my neck and face blocking my screams. A metal mask was in the hand of another person and as I slowly collapsed to the ground in the arms of this stranger. The other picked up the mask and said in a muffled voice

"This should fit nicely. . ."

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