one small part, one large loss

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(I'm gonna do some re-writing for the previous chapters to make them higher quality, also this chapter includes lots of blood and gory details to be aware, also some transphobia/ hate towards no binary people misgendering them, persons top and binder being removed without consent. where the triggers start there will be tags to help and a summary at the end for those who are uncomfortable)

(Ranboo pov)

We made it to the carousel room and we began the sequence, Levi stepped backwards and did something, not sure what but It wasn't important. We got Niki and Sneeg and were about to exit the room when Levi started to stagger and sway on the spot. "Levi? Levi? can you hear me Levi?"

They didn't seem to hear me, they were in a trance like state. It freaked me out and worry creeped across my paling face. Suddenly they just collapsed. I caught them holding them in my arms(not a ship get your minds out the gutter people) I screamed panicked and unsure of what was happening. Suddenly the carousel people sprung to life once more and ran to us, I thought they had snapped out of it and was going to help Levi but the didn't.

They ripped Levi's body from my arms and shoved me back into the surgery room. They made me watch as the strapped Levi's body to the table, holding my wrists back and holding my neck threatening to choke all the air out. They shoved me in front of the table and pushed a scalpel into my hands.

(Trigger warnings ahead, all triggers mentioned above start here skip to the end for a summary of what happened)

They ripped Levi's T-shirt off and unlaced their binder leaving a bare chest covered in scarring. There was a small tattoo in the corner just above their hip. It was a little black jigsaw butterfly with little shading.

I stared at it, above it an unnatural bulge was placed. It looked like some kind of dome with holes in it. It made me feel sick to my stomach.

Now that this young lady is prepared let's try this again doctor. The person behind the mask began to edge forward. I didn't need to see their expression on their face to know they were a creep.

I had to remove this bulge from their stomach and stitch them back up. I know what that is, why didn't I think of this before. The masked lady edged closer.

Their chest was on display and it made me feel sick. To have to violate them like this, not only having to see their feminine body which they weren't comfortable with people seeing. I also had to tear them open with no Anastasia meaning they would know what I was doing.

The masked lady edged closer. Now right behind me to my left. She grabbed the circle behind my mask and turned it. I suddenly felt different. I was holding a scalpel over Levi. What? I'm sure it's fine, better perform this sugary, what could go wrong. I cut under the bulge in Levi's stomach. Blood leaked out in gushes of thick red. It fell all over the floor but that was fine. I ripped out the mouse trap part and with it came a bit of intestine. Oops?

It's fine. I sewed her back up and looked over my patient. She's very pretty. Inside me something was screaming and begging for it to stop but it was like my body wasn't mine. It was screaming how Levi was a they not a she. It screamed how I violated Levi by cutting them open. I wanted to die there on the spot. I had failed Levi. I couldn't stop it. I was weak. I was useless

Summary: Ranboo brutally rips out the mouse trap part. They use the mask to manipulate him to think that Levi is a she not a they. He knows inside what's happening bud he can't control his body and can't tell if to run. He feels incredibly guilty and wants to scream but can't
(Also that's for #3 in the tag generation loss, we've climbed so quickly and thank you for all that are voting, the votes push the story out to more people and if you haven't voted but can and your enjoying the story, please consider voting)

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