cheating the game

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(also sorry for not updating for 10 days I've been super busy, also thanks for 1k reads. I honestly never thought people would bother reading this)

 (Ranboo pov)

I couldn't do it, I just couldn't, I couldn't do this to Levi. I did it to slime and went through all that trauma. He didn't even need to be cut open, the key wasn't inside of him. . .he didn't need to be cut open. . .he didn't need to be cut open, cut open. "WAIT"

"Just do it Ranboo, put me out of my misery already." Levi wanted to be cut open because that would save me from being eternally being trapped. That is messed up.

"I don't need to, the key isn't inside you it's in the toilet." At least I think it is. I walked over the the toiled and started grabbing the slime within it, I pulled out all the gunk and found the key. I was overjoyed, we had one more challenge completed only a few more to go and with the knowledge of the tasks ahead and that the other people aren't real and can't die we should be good to go, I mean we don't get anything useful out of the operation task, right?

"We actually did it. I'm not gonna die! now let me get these restraints of and we're good to go"

once again I blinked and she was standing right infront of me, how does she does that "how do you keep doing that? It's impossible"

"I guess I'm just magic then, anyways lets open this key and get going, the quicker we move the quicker we can escape, I know how to beat the system and escape. The wrong choice you made was to free slime, he's part of the game so he would have been fine and you would have got to the doors before they were chained up and sealed. Now lets get moving"

I was so relieved that we had cheated the system, no consequences, it's not like I needed something in this room for later, we're all good

if only he knew. . .if only he remembered. . .

fun fact: I was on the bus and it had no leg room, The two dudes behind us got on and the first said "there's literally no leg room, uhg, imagine if you had your guitar on here too. . .wait. . .where's your guitar????"   "oh shit. . ."  I actually heard this XD

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