The roles are reversed

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(Useless fact: When Hetch was first introduced I thought his name was Hedge and I was so confused)

(Ranboo pov)

I woke up tied to yet another chair. Yes again. Just my luck. My head feels less foggy though. And there's a old looking tv. Like the one in that cabin. Wait where's Levi? I remember running after them, did I try and attack them? oh no. Wait is that Levi. Their also tied to a chair, the metal mask on their face is still there and so is mine. I tried to tug at the restraints swinging my arms against the cuffs but nothing worked. Beside both of us were these. . .Battery packs? amps? I'm not sure.

"*sharp intake of breath(I don't know what letters make the sound ok)"

"Levi you awake?! Are you ok, I think I attacked you. I don't know why but I think I did."

"Who the hell are you? and what do you mean you attacked me?! Is that why my neck is sore?! What the hell dude. What are you doing here? why am I tied to a chair? HELLO! ANYONE HERE! HELP I'M TRAPPED, ANYONE?!" They spoke in a almost comical way, like they were having fun and being silly. It creeped me out. And they didn't remember me? what. . .

"Dude what do you mean. I was in the cabin with you. You freed me from being tied to some random armchair. You ran through a wall and I ran after you. Is this some sort of joke? cause it isn't funny. Your just staring at me, I'm not joking, we need to leave. NOW."

"Yea Yea really funny, I haven't met you, you haven't met me. We just need to escape, then we can go our separate ways." Levi then started to squirm around in the chair trying to break the restraints but it didn't work. I blinked and when I opened my eyes they were just standing over the chair I was in.

"How the heck did you do that. Do you have superspeed or something?????" I felt so confused. They were just on the other side of the room. 

"Guess I'm just magic then" they started to laugh but I was just creeped out. How the hell did they do that and why were they laughing??? I was contemplating what to say next to this strange behaviour when I noticed that an entire wall was just not their. Instead there were camera's and wires and a. . .Rat person???? they look vaguely familiar but I don't know from where.

"Can you get rid of these restraints please? You did that in the cabin, remember? you trusted me." I was hoping they would take my word and free me but they didn't. 

"We've hit a bit if a hitch here haven't we, I don't trust you and don't remember anything your saying. But I feel obligated to trust you and free you."

"Hetch. . ."Where was that from, wait it's from. . ."Hitch, not Hedge."

"no. . .no. . .NO . . .HETCH, HETCH, HETCH" I started to panic feeling a lump rise in my thought and I started to panic. I felt so scared memories flooding back. My brain felt like it was about explode from the trauma, the screams of those people as they died gruesome horrific deaths. I felt so afraid hands shaking and I couldn't speak. I started saying random words that linked to the memories I was experiencing but I couldn't turn them into coherent sentences. "DEMON. . .SLIMEBLOOD. . .CAROUSEL. . .HETCH. . .PUZZLER. .SNEEG. .OPERATION..ELECTRICSHOCK.RUNNING.MASKS. .PEOPLE. .ROBOTPEOPLE WITH MASKS AND AND AND AND AND WIRES AND AND AND AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I started to scream and shout those words in a loop over and over again I felt like I had lost control over my emotions and years worth of emotions spilling out like this tight clasp around me had been ripped off.

"UHHHHHHH. . .BOX BREATHING. Can you hear me?! I need you to breath in for four seconds then hold it for four seconds okay?"

I listened to what they said still feeling out of control of everything and anything in that moment

"Now breath out for four seconds and hold for four seconds before repeating that cycle, continue until you feel calm enough to talk in full sentences."

(That actually work really well by the way, definitely recommend box breathing if your stressed, my support teacher recommended it and it helps so much.)

After A few minutes I calmed down and slowly started to explain

"There was a cabin, yea Charlie's childhood home, his cabin. He was a slime demon thing at first. . .then a, a patient. . .I had to. . .I needed to. . .I had no choice but. . .I had to operate. . .on. . .on hi-him. I then had to, to, pick, a person, on this, this rusty, carousel. They all got hope and were saved but then, then they, they.  . .died.  Horrific deaths. I. .I remember, this, this is an, an illusion. We. . .need. . .to turn, those camera's off. There's a rat that will follow, us, around, and, and, they, tell hetch where we are. And then he caught us. . ."

"So you've already done this? I think i've been to that cabin too. With that demon covered in. . .Oh my god.",Levi clasped their hand around their mask and started to cry. I tried to comfort them by giving them a hug but I was still trapped to the chair. Do they remember too? I think they do.

the tv started glitching and I remembered that this is when the puzzler shows up. If he sees Levi out of the chair things could go very, very wrong. "Levi sit down and pretend your still in the restraints."

"got it, the puzzler should be here any second." I blinked once more and Levi was suddenly back in the restraints with the electric headband strapped on too. "How do you do that?????"

"I'm just magic I guess" this time they seemed like an actual human and It was kinda funny.

I was feeling slightly more optimistic with both of us having our memories back and knowing what our decisions do. We just need to beat the puzzlers' games. Starting with the electric chair. the game is rigged to be the correct key no matter what the viewers pick meaning this shouldn't be difficult. Right?

A/N notes: Sorry for not updating for a few days, I forgot I was writing a book XD also thanks to anyone who's been around since the start of this book and those who have voted and left comments. Also thanks for #18 in the tag Generation loss and 500 views. I love writing as I like to entertain people and make them happy. If you haven't watched generation loss still (I doubt it but still) go watch it! support the project with your views. There's also merch and I bought hetchs' jacket. If you can't buy merch or you don't want to watch it that's fine but Ranboo has put so much work into it and I highly recommend. Have an amazing day/night, remember to drink water and eat something healthy. Bye :D

Generation loss (Alternate ending)Where stories live. Discover now